Best Way to Make Opposite Changes

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Best Way to Make Opposite Changes

Postby EmperorSly » January 13th, 2015, 6:09 pm

Hello everyone. I'm brand new to the site and extremely intrigued by some of the success stories I have read so far.

I've always identified as a straight dominant male but have had some trouble fulfilling this desire due to a lack of confidence and poor self-esteem. I am lucky to have many positive traits that are difficult or impossible to acquire; such as formidable intelligence, ideal male height, and an impressive member. However, my lack of social skills, rather severe procrastination (I have mild ADD), and poor eating and exercise habits have always held me back in life, hampered my self image as a dominant, and caused considerable shame. My great shame and my great hope are that much of what is wrong with me can be improved; while the aspects of myself that I cannot change are relatively favorable.

I've noticed several self-help files on this site that I hope to use as catalysts for improving my life, including files for reducing procrastination, improving health habits, enhancing masculinity, and encouraging dominance and confidence. I used to be quite skeptical of hypnosis, but I have recently felt its power and have read about amazing changes, including seemingly impossible physical changes, in the success stories section.

I am unsure of the best way to proceed in terms of enhancing masculinity (mentally and physically) and heterosexuality. In the past three days, I've been watching quite a few sissification, feminization, and cock worship hypnotic/conditioning videos on other sites. I appear to be exceptionally susceptible to hypnosis and had an amazing, eye-opening experience on one of the videos, but that's a story for another thread. While it's been very nice and therapeutic to get in touch with my long-neglected and hitherto undiscovered feminine, homosexual, and submissive sides; I feel ready to pursue the masculine, heterosexual, dominant lifestyle that I have always desired.


1) Is it better to utilize one of the deprogramming files on this site before proceeding to the files to increase masculinity and heterosexuality; or is it better to skip the deprogramming?

On the one hand, I feel that a clean slate might be more effective and less confusing in the long run; on the other, I am concerned that the deprogramming files may make me more difficult to hypnotize or condition.

2) If I do use a deprogramming file, should I use it once, or as many times as needed?

3) I will also ask this question on the threads or comments on the specific files I am considering, but has anyone experienced negative side effects with some of the muscle growth, masculinity, or dominance files? I believe that hypnosis can actually alter hormone production (three days ago I would have laughed at this notion) and am a bit concerned that I will get steroid-like side effects on certain files due to increased testosterone. Also, I am wondering how my brain might react to potential cognitive dissonance as a result of a dominance or confidence file telling my subconscious things that are not yet true of my life.

Thank you very much to anyone who read and responds to this veritable novel. I'd promise that my future posts will be shorter, but I don't want to risk being a liar. :wink:
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Postby Endo » January 13th, 2015, 9:55 pm

1. I can give you a resounding and definite "Eh." If you trust and desire the suggestions that you'll be getting from files here more than the previous batch, then they'll override. Things that are contradictory are only problematic when they intersect directly, so while it may be a bit odd at first, eventually the new stuff will overwhelm the old.

I think the few deprogramming files on this site are set up in such a way to keep your mind fertile, but it's not like we're really all that scientific here.

2. By all means, as much as you think it will take to nuke the old stuff, if you decide to make that choice.

3. TOTALLY NOT MY AREA, but yeah? I guess some physical side-effects could happen. The thing about that is this: You'd have to produce quite a bit of T for that to happen. I'm not a medical expert AND NO ONE ELSE ON THIS SITE IS UNLESS THEY ACTUALLY ARE LICENSED, so don't take what we say at face value.

Granted, even if you are hyper-susceptible to hypno, your subconscious has a way of fuzzing things over, so that it can seem like the most insane changes weren't all that insane, because you were somewhat always like that all along anyway, so don't worry about cognitive dissonance.

No, no! Don't promise that! Too many people don't provide enough information when they ask questions (or they ask a question that's been answered in a topic on the front page).
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Postby EmperorSly » January 13th, 2015, 10:27 pm

Endo, thanks very much for your thoughtful response.

In that case, I think that I'll simply start with the files here; the effects of the old files outside of trance are noticeable but do not seem too strong yet. After all, I have not been listening to those files for very long. I can always use a deprogramming file later if there seems to be problems; though if several weeks of masculization proved unable to neutralize 3 days of feminization I would certainly need to have an honest talk with myself.

I appreciate your disclaimer and understand that no one on this site is a medical expert unless they provide proof to the contrary. In fact, this area seems to be so poorly understood and understudied that I would take even a medical expert's word with a grain of salt given the seriousness of tinkering with my mind.

My hope with the some of the files, particularly the muscle growth files, is that there will be enough increased testosterone production (in addition to whatever related hormonal changes there may be in addition to changes in habit and outlook) to noticeable increase muscle mass but not so much as to cause undesirable side effects. I'm also hoping that because the change will be more "natural" in that it is coming from my mind and body rather than an injection or however steroids are taken that there will be less of a chance of undesirable side effects. Of course "hope" is the operative word here; I understand that there is no way to be certain, though if people did report side effects I would certainly be more cautious.

I'm glad to hear that the verbose are appreciated on this site, though I doubt I could help myself either way. :P

I'm very much looking forward to trying some of these files out and perhaps learning to make my own in time. This seems like a very open-minded, tight-knit community. Thanks again for your response. :)
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Postby Endo » January 14th, 2015, 8:15 am

Perhaps you could lurk on a body-building forum for a while, and see if anyone's had any problems with getting TOO jacked the natural way.
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Postby OxyFemboi » January 16th, 2015, 2:04 pm

Just as a general principle, I have always found the intensity of a feeling concerning something makes it easier to "reverse the polarity", so to speak. If you have an extremely adverse feeling toward exercising (perhaps because of being humiliated in gym class), that extreme feeling becomes extremely easy to switch into the opposing feeling of exercising being a positive reward.

It's much harder to create a positive or negative feeling from near-apathy.

There are re-masculinization files:

• Name: Stroke Manly Premium
Description: As you stroke your penis, you will feel a growing need to become a butch, masculine, dominant alpha male and every time you masturbate and cum your gains will be locked in. Should work equally well for both straight and gay men. WARNING: This file works by causing extreme sexual arousal will make you masturbate compulsively; the more you masturbate the more masculine you find yourself becoming, so just go with it.

and then there are these:

• Name: YSH - Remasculinization 1 - Intro
Description: This is the first, plain version of the introductory file of a series I intend to make that gives you your masculinity back, after having listened to several feminization / sissification files. There is no formal induction in this and though you may not feel hypnotized, your deep masculine core is listening carefully to my suggestions in order to bring you back to your better, greater masculine self. I am just seeding the seed here for deep unconscious changes that will bring you happiness in your new masculine self. Be careful though. If for some reason you decide to listen to feminization files again, you may find that they have the opposite result, making you even more masculine. Well meaning comments and suggestions and ideas for this as well as for future files are extremely appreciated.

• Name: YSH - Lake Of Masculinity 1 - Healthy penis Premium
Description: This is the first file of a transformative mini series that will make you more masculine, called: The Lake of Masculinity. The first part deals with the health of your penis and your erections. Your comments are really appreciated, as they help me make better files in the future.

• Name: YSH - Lake of Masculinity 1 - Healthy Penis Deluxe Version Price: $9 Buy Now
Description: This is the deluxe version of Lake of Masculinity 1 - Healthy Penis. It uses that as the foundation but there are two more layers of my voice, one in each ear, giving suggestions to your unconscious mind to make you a masculine, happy man with a sexy, healthy penis, so that the transformation is deeper and faster. It is also accompanied by a really nice, relaxing music with isochronic tones, binaural beats and theta brainwaves to guide you to a deeper state of trance and drive the suggestions deeper into your unconscious mind. Overall, in my opinion, it is a much more pleasant experience, while at the same time much more effective. When you listen to this, you may find your penis becoming healthier and achieving stronger erections, as your unconscious processes all the information in a way that this becomes your new reality. Your comments and suggestions are very welcome, as always. Thank you for listening.

• Name: YSH - Lake Of Masculinity 2 - Thoughts Premium
Description: This is the second part of the mini series "Lake of Masculinity". It will change your thoughts, emotions and behaviors in a way that you become a masculine, confident, happy man. Thank you for listening.

• Name: YSH - Lake of Masculinity 2 - Thoughts w binaural/isochronic/alpha/echo Premium
Description: This is the file YSH - Lake of masculinity 2 - Thoughts with added binaural beats, isochronic tones, alpha brainwaves and echo. Original description: This is the second part of the mini series "Lake of Masculinity". It will change your thoughts, emotions and behaviors in a way that you become a masculine, confident, happy man. Your comments are really welcome. Thank you for listening.
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