Totally into and totally new to hypnosis, need help for star

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Totally into and totally new to hypnosis, need help for star

Postby Canem » April 4th, 2015, 10:42 am

Hey guys,
Before I write anything else, I have to confess that this site is like dream come true to me... I've been into hypnosis d mind control for about two years now, enjoying many good articles nfrom When I discovered this site after stumbling over hypnosis with audio in literotica, I was super-duper excited.

So heres the deal: I am a 18 year-year-old straight male, and consider myself strong willed and intelligent, but unfortunately having a short attention-span. I am strongly aware that hypnosis works, and getting it to work on me would be a dream come true...

Although nobody but my close friends know that I am strongly the submissive type when it comes to intimacy, I am a "leader-figure" in normal life.

How shall I start out? Which induction files shall I start with?
After doing inductions for a while, which one is a simple small naughty file that I could try with the most possibility for success?
keeping the idea in mind: starting small

I'd like to thank you in advance for all nice and helpful answers, I know this is a great community!
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Postby OxyFemboi » April 5th, 2015, 3:00 am

Canem wrote
So here's the deal: I am a 18 year-year-old straight male, and consider myself strong willed and intelligent, but unfortunately having a short attention-span. I am strongly aware that hypnosis works, and getting it to work on me would be a dream come true...

Although nobody but my close friends know that I am strongly the submissive type when it comes to intimacy, I am a "leader-figure" in normal life.

How shall I start out? Which induction files shall I start with?
After doing inductions for a while, which one is a simple small naughty file that I could try with the most possibility for success?
keeping the idea in mind: starting small

Well ... since you say you have a short attention span, Sarnoga - Adderall Boys is an obvious file for you. Description: Adderall Boys is an induction specially designed to help those with ADD and ADHD go into trance and learn to trance. This file should work for everyone but is specially designed for those with attention problems. I'm not sure if it should be your first file but it is designed for those with short attention spans.

Link to Adderall Boys:

As for picking a file to start with, the file you pick should be a file that you want the effects that the file promises to produce. It's astonishing how many people listen to a hypnosis file and then decide that, no, they really didn't want to be a bimbo ... or horny all the time ... or have a short penis ... or whatever. If you pick a file to turn you gay, you should want to be gay; otherwise, you'll be thinking, "why the hell did I pick this? And can the effects be reversed?" (Reversing the effects depend a lot on the file and if it is a Curse, if there is a "Curse Removal File" in existence. (Curse Removal files usually cost money to obtain ... another good reason to think carefully about any Curse files you listen to.)

If you tell me something you want that is not currently part of your personality/makeup, I can help you pick a file that6 will produce those effects. Otherwise, picking a file is somewhat like throwing a dart a a wall and hoping it matches up with something you want or like. Pick a keyword or two and search for a file to produce those results in the File Navigator. [The File Navigator is there for a reason; there are almost 6000 files here. Pick one that has a good Average Rating (second line from the bottom).]
Peace Love Unity Respect

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Postby Canem » April 5th, 2015, 6:30 am

Thank you!
I will certainly look into that file!
I already have a list of marked favorites, so I'll probably try one of these.
Thank you again, I'm glad you responded!
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Postby lew897 » April 5th, 2015, 6:44 pm

My own experience was that learning how to go into a trance was the one thing that has helped the most. Which is basically having the file confront your body and allow the words to change the relaxation level over time. This is one way to go into trance and for me has been the best so far.
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Postby Canem » April 5th, 2015, 9:16 pm

wow! K, so ckeck this out:
After browsing a little bit, i stumbled over Lutz bubble induction w binaural beats. Listened to it and halfway through, realised that i am done and this is not working. Good, so i get up and look at the screen, and i see that it already looped, which means i went through the whole forty minutes without realizing it... i was deeeep under!

So how to progress from here? Cut the induction and put it in front of my desired file? That's at least what I'm planning to do, because i tried to use other inductions, basically just normal ones at the front of a normal file, and they all utterly failed. Being very convinced by the bubble, shall i just wait my own stuff together?

Thank you in advance for replies
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Postby CyrilMtl » April 6th, 2015, 11:25 am

You went directly to the big bubble file :)
You can try Calimore bubble trigger test file to see how you react.
Perhaps try some more soft induction or basic files too.
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The heck!

Postby Canem » April 6th, 2015, 8:02 pm

Okay, so what happened today is, I tried the Bubble file again, and this time it just didnt work... I might have been under very lightly. but after about 30 minutes I just got bored and stopped... why?
Might have been because of a caugh... and I left my tshirt on, so i was a little hot, but would that really make a difference?
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Postby Hypnonic » April 7th, 2015, 4:58 am

In my expiriance EVERYTHING makes a difference. After all you are basically trying to hack your own mind. Just keep at it and I'm sure you'll be losing hours to the files from this site in no time.

Ps I have also found that it is difficult for me to go under while clothed so you are not the only one :lol:
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Postby Canem » April 7th, 2015, 9:24 am

Yeah, I'm sick today, so yesterday was probably the foremath of that... I won't give up and try to condition myself to the trigger... focusing doesn't (luckily) seem to be a problem anymore
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Postby diode168 » April 7th, 2015, 8:54 pm

May I suggest Sarnoga curse of the teeny weenie.
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Postby Canem » April 8th, 2015, 2:36 pm

You may, buy I will disregard your suggestion, because I am not into this at all
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Postby diode168 » April 8th, 2015, 10:05 pm

Ok, I'll hang my head in shame.
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