Dofleini wrote
About me: Single, twenty-something, straight-ish female. I like files that alter behaviour, like by making me hornier, sluttier, bi, or more into strange fetishes.
MY suggestions:
Foot Worship Active
This file is one-half of a pair of files. Listen to this file if you want to worship your partners feet. This file will give you a deep craving for it. When you do it, you will enjoy it even more deeply, everything else will fade from your mind and you will only focus on the here and now. All that exists are your partners feet and your pleasure. And it will be extremely pleasurable.
This file can be used together with “Foot Worship Passive” for your partner.
As the combination of files for both sides is something new, please give feedback and tell me what you think and if you want more!
1000 Words by Vive
After listening to this file, you can speak no more than 1000 words for the rest of the day. After you used up your 1000 words, it will become impossible to speak for the rest of the day. What will you do with your 1000 words?
Should anything unexpected happen that requires you to communicate normally, you will instantly revert back to normal and be able to speak again.
Stare & Worship: Female Ass by ViVe
This file will give you a new obsession. Whenever you encounter any woman, you will feel a compulsion to look at her ass. Of course you will always be able to control this desire, but controlling it and not looking will just cause you to think more about it. You will imagine it, craving to feel it, touch it, taste it. You can control this desire too, but every time it happens, it will change your sexuality and your desires a little bit. You will become more submissive to women and desire to worship their ass.
This is a curse. Listen on your own risk!
Sweet Submission / Chocolate by ViVe
This file is a little curse I thought about for a while now… Have you ever given any thought to how many similarities there are between chocolate and submission? Well… there are! And after listening to this file you will find that eating chocolate gives you some submissive bliss… maybe even a bit of subspace… and that uses the psychological effects of eating chocolate to make you more submissive… every time you eat chocolate! Did I mention it’s a curse?
Lust for Coffee by ViVe
What would happen if coffee had additional stimulating properties? If it would make you aroused every time you drink it? If you feel the heat of the coffee spreading through your body? After listening to this file, you will experience it for one week. There are safeties in there, so that the lust recedes to the back of your mind when you have to “function”, when you’re at work or driving or doing anything where you can’t safely enjoy the lust. And once you are safe it will be back. If you drink too much coffee, you might experience not being able to sleep after too much coffee, not because the caffeine, but because you have to take care of the accumulated lust first.
The To Do List by ViVe
This is a kinky get shit done file. Before you listen to this file you have to write a to do list, and after you have listened you won’t be able to have an orgasm before you accomplished everything on your list. This works only with lists you wrote yourself. Have fun.