Very analytical mind

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Very analytical mind

Postby thisguy » November 2nd, 2005, 8:25 pm


I'm fresh here, but i've been fascinated with hypnosis for years, tried it with mild success on frends and generally informed myself on every way possible on amateur scale.

My first interest into the topic came from my wish and need to "hack myself". With strong infotechnological background, obviously, it has been always a quite annoyance for me, that there seem to be "inacessible" portions of my OWN mind. I was very interested of "same information being in different places/levels of my brain having different effects". Which also resulted in understandig, that I'm not skilled/experienced enough to move it exactly where it felt useful.

I could go on with this introduction for few pages, but to the point:

In all those years I've learned much about "mechanics" of the brain and principles of hypnosis and all of it only resulted me knowingly playing trough scenes of hypnotic possibilities and instinctively installing different "protective triggers", as i understood, that i'm only human too.

But as irony goes on, all of this just made me asserting more and more control over myself "not able to change" instead of the first result, in which I wanted to gain more flexibility and self control.

So basically I'm mostly overprotectivly analytical, trying to consciously process everything i can ( i have developed even some extensive "playback" habits and "looking myself from a side" parallelisms ), all about letting only "things i like" to affect me..

Why I'm here, is that it's not really having the results i would "really" like and I'm mostly leading a "double life" of total chaos and sleep deprivation versus highly analytical and organized cracker-jack, able to tell things coming from miles away. Mostly because after all this crunching, leaving myself in half zombie like state and sleeping like dead after this, is the only "rest of myself" i really know. ( considering freaky half-lucid dreams in the end of such cycle are at least small added bonus.. )

As of trying to listen to the files here on the site, which I truly know ( believing is for wuzzues ;) ) would work probably wonders on everybody with enough patience.. I find myself being attentive enough able to correct the audio anomalityes coming from lossy compression and that's nowhere near any trance, as you guess.

I guess I would still benefit greatly from self-induced trances and autosuggestion, as I probably FEEL strongly about trusting anybody else near me, while being so open, but there are obvious paradoxes about trancing yourself deep enough, to have any effect, versus being wake enough to make any use of this state.

I have even experimented with reading and recording my own scripts and having them play from evening until morning for days and other such obvious things.. I have not noticed even any "normal" effects.

But I'm very interested about induced hallucinations and other such "windows" to the subconciousness. It seems to me, I have done "too good job" on blocking myself for all this to work.

Any suggestions to such a tough nut? :)

I have even visited some religious groups and spiritual people, but while being interesting an generally pleasant crowd, I find quickly, that they mosly speak on their gatherings until people around eagerly fall into almost natural trances and start imagining things themselves, as they don't tell much, only speak. But i'm technical person enough "not to fall" for this.. and i find myself mostly analyzing speach patterns and monitoring for "normal attention spans" to max out and discarding mumbo-jumbo, that should just stuff it full, while enforcing unfounded mantras..

Basically I'm searching for a method of some "internal access" without feeling too vulnerable and open..

It seems this is somewhat right place for asking such advice. I visited this site few years ago and it was a pleasant surprise to find such active forum today!
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Postby stefan4711 » November 2nd, 2005, 8:42 pm


I feel I have a similar problem. I guess it all boils down to your ability to "let go". I.e. the easier you have to let go the easier it is for you to have any efffects of the hypnosis.

If your mind is very analytical it most likely will be harder to fall into trance and get some real effects. And I guess that if your subconcious don't want to "let go" it does not matter how much your concious mind wan't the changes to take effect. :(

EMG do you have any comments on this? Or any ideas?
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Postby Lissar » November 2nd, 2005, 8:59 pm

I have the same sort of problem. I have an incredibly analytical mind (do YOU pick out grammatical errors in the files?), and I find it difficult to be really amazed by hypnosis. I'm working on trancing better, though. If you find that you might do better in real time instead of with a recording, drop by the chatroom and see if there are any 'tists there.
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Postby thisguy » November 2nd, 2005, 9:21 pm

Lissar wrote:If you find that you might do better in real time instead of with a recording, drop by the chatroom and see if there are any 'tists there.

Chatroom, right.. :)

My experience with flirty websites and chats is, that I'm the one leading people trough "new experiences", as being very visual and emphatic I can actually "track their state" ( well, sometimes "catching the wave" at least ) and constructing words to affect them the best.. altough I'm "at my best", if I'm just out having fun messing with them, not intentionally trying to achieve some "result".

I have found trough years, that I'm somewhat more affected by mutually trusting female friends, but sadly they are mostly frightened by the topic or just not skilled/interested enough to try it on me.
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Postby cardigan » November 6th, 2005, 3:58 pm

Analytical people present a real problem to hypnotists. If you over-analyse everything that is being said constantly, you miss the real point, which is to make you relax and to let go! And then your chances of achieving a trance are very slim.

I would try ConfusionInduction if I were you. That is probably the best induction for analytical minds.

You might also want to repeat the hypnotist's words in you head while they are being spoken. That tends to disrupt analytical thought. Also you should physically relax as much as possible and let your mind do the same. The best thing maybe is to have an attitude of lazy indifference, like you are going along for the ride, but you don't really care which way you go. It sounds weird, but the more you concentrate and analyse, the further away you get, and the more indifferent and almost unfocused you are, the easier you'll get there. Say to yourself, that you couldn't care less if if was working or not.
Certified hypnotist C.I., C.H.
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Postby thisguy » November 6th, 2005, 5:03 pm

Thank you,

then I guess I should copy a confusion induction script or customize some of them to my own taste and record it myself with my own voice.. I will never go under at some random file from any webpage, it has zero credibility and will be blocked no matter what.. This all said with no offence, it's just the way I've ended up right now. There is probably one more person with perfect voice I would trust to do this, but she is too shy at the moment to even try.. goes under amazingly well though :)
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Postby jd1967 » December 24th, 2005, 11:59 pm

Can you overcome her reluctance, caused by what I am assuming is a generalized fear, while she is under? Does she care about you, so that you can appeal to her with a sort of of "help me help you help me" approach? If she "goes under amazingly well" . . . .
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Postby goldragon_70 » December 25th, 2005, 9:10 am

I find when I play Spider solitaire, it helps to distract my analytical self. I relax and unwind when playing it anyways, and it keeps me alert enough to hear and comprehend the file.
In my dreams I once said, "Ahh, Yes, but how many minds does my one mind hold?".
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Postby devonimp » December 25th, 2005, 10:29 am

My tips for helping go in to trance have given me considerable improvement in trancing over the last two weeks. I start by getting comfy in my bed... then counting downwards from fifty.. slowly. Try to time it with my breaths so the counting slows with my breaths. Usually around two or one I start my MP3 player. It starts with confusion induction, then goes on to deepening. I can go under by the time the deepening's induction ends. I use file bodies also keep in mind. One of the most important things I ever learned was 'don't make it happen, let it happen' Try to separate yourself from what he is saying. Focus on something else if need be. Your breathing for example. I myself try to keep a blank mind. I don't focus on the words, I just let myself hear them. If a thought enters my mind, I imagine a large broom brushing it aside.

But thats just me.
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Re: induction

Postby homerj1620 » December 26th, 2005, 1:19 am

thisguy wrote:then I guess I should copy a confusion induction script or customize some of them to my own taste
Go to the Virtual Hypnotist Yahoo Group and look in the files section, there is a confusion induction script there. Seven Plus or Minus Two is another confusion induction which is also there.
thisguy wrote:and record it myself with my own voice..
I recomend that. I've been trying to use files I've downloaded for over two years now with no success. I even used TrainSuseptiple for over a month, multiple times a day with no success.Last week, though, I recorded one myself and while I didn't fully under, I was just totally focused on the voice. I've never felt that relaxed before, I think I'm getting into a light trance. Also it seems better every time I listen.The file I recorded consists of this:Hypno-preparation (Hypnosense)Awareness Induction (Hypnosense)Space Deepener (Hypnosense)Confidence In Company 2x (Hypnosense)Default Suggest 2x (Virtual Hypnotist)Default Wake (Virtual Hypnotist)I also looped Self-hypnosis 1 from Brainwave Generator and River sounds from SBaGen in the background.
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Postby nikolus69 » December 26th, 2005, 11:11 am

i wish it were that easy for me i have to try and relax in a lumpy chair while it feels like a hippo is humping my back no mp3 playwer :( cries
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Postby nikolus69 » December 26th, 2005, 11:27 am

i wish it were that easy for me i have to try and relax in a lumpy chair while it feels like a hippo is humping my back no mp3 playwer :( cries
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Re: Hah!

Postby homerj1620 » December 26th, 2005, 1:11 pm

nikolus69 wrote:i wish it were that easy for me i have to try and relax in a lumpy chair while it feels like a hippo is humping my back no mp3 playwer :( cries

Try lying in bed, or even the floor if you can be comfortable doing so. If your headphone cable isn't long enough go to Radio Shack and buy an extesion cable. Get one of the good ones (sheilded). IIRC, an 8' extension is $7.
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Postby gut2fill » March 17th, 2006, 3:02 am

Heh, that thisguy's first post is just about the story of my life.
My regiment's dentist who uses hypnosis as an alternative
to anesthesia tried it already some years ago with no success
and told me that I'm probably one of those 20% of people
who will not go under.
Yet still I've been persistant but I find that none of these
files have so far been effective. :(
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hypnosis fetsih and analytical minds

Postby blueofnoon » March 30th, 2006, 9:16 pm

The biggest irony for me (another analytical mind that has trouble trancing), is that I have the hugest hypnofetish.... and of course it is because in my life, work and friendships I'm constantly relied upon for my analytical prowess!

The idea of letting go... or having something else control my thoughts! wow1

and yet... seemingly impossible.

It's the funniest thing. I really believe that hypnosis exists. I really want to be hypnotised... but no luck.

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Re: hypnosis fetsih and analytical minds

Postby nuit09 » March 30th, 2006, 10:03 pm

blueofnoon wrote:The biggest irony for me (another analytical mind that has trouble trancing), is that I have the hugest hypnofetish.... and of course it is because in my life, work and friendships I'm constantly relied upon for my analytical prowess!

The idea of letting go... or having something else control my thoughts! wow1

and yet... seemingly impossible.

It's the funniest thing. I really believe that hypnosis exists. I really want to be hypnotised... but no luck.


Try breathing cycles that induce hypoxia. that will lower your defenses and should make the trance easier. since it is physiological, your analytical mind should not be able to stop it and be essentially irrelevant. alternatively; try eriksonian hypnosis or NLP. or you could just work your ass off and make normal hypnosis work.
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Postby cardigan » March 30th, 2006, 10:50 pm

This applies to both of the previous posters:
You both go in and out of trance all day long. We trance when we daydream for instance. We trance when we are going from being awake to sleeping. Trance is a normal condition to all people. Anyone.

What your problem is, is that you are so analytical, that any suggestions to change you in any way don't work because your conscious mind is overriding them. Say that for instance you wanted to become erect on a trigger word. If listening to the files that will help do that for you won't work, then it is because your conscious mind is hovering in the background saying "Oh - I don't believe this. This is rubbish. Can't be done".

I can go deep myself, and I can do amazing things with myself in hypnosis. BUT there are some things, that I just can't do. I am either too scared (what if this actually works) or sceptical. Removing grass allergy worked like a charm. Curing myself of heavy drinking - no problemo. But having an erection on command: impossible :-) Good thing I can do it anyway - the normal way!

So hypnosis will work. On everybody. But there's a difference in what is possible for each individual. You just have to keep trying. Be patient. Be confident.
Certified hypnotist C.I., C.H.
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