Ban vive

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Ban vive

Postby kately » December 30th, 2018, 4:38 am

Vive, is a seriously misguided and mentally ill "person".

With such a terrible Accent and even worse Lisp it is truly laughable that this "person" is even taken seriously/takes himself seriously as some kind of hypnotist. You can hear how evil and dumb he is in his voice. I find his files to be utterly Unlistenable.

Perhaps it's best for all of us that we have the courage to speak up about these things and stop being so backwards/politically correct and acting like something is good quality when we all know it's pure S--t. I don't like to see files like this garbage that promotes 'misogyny'(extreme hatred of women) or another recent one that was about rape, (really?). This "person" has files where you surrender yourself to an evil demon, permanently destroying anything holy in you. The latest file promotes the idea that women can be beta even though we all know it being a beta is purely a male thing. The same is true for his confused female cuckolding S--t. He hates women so much he is trying to force male weaknesses onto them.

I think it's abundantly clear to all of us that he is a real misogynist. These things are far outside the boundaries of bdsm or power exchange or any kind or erotic hypnosis. This "person" has little class and taste, and respect for Men and Women. All he wants to do is destroy people and cause misery.

If EMG had any interest to keep this site safe, sane, or consensual he would have banned vive years ago. As he doesn't care we have to speak up and tell him we don't want abusive misogynist in our wonderful community. Ban this predator.

Who else wants this community to be positive and safe?
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Re: Ban vive

Postby EMG » December 30th, 2018, 9:28 am

Let's see...

Firstly, you are the first person who has EVER filed a complaint against Vive. So, how exactly would I know whether or not they need banned. I do not personally have the time to listen to every file uploaded to the site so I like most admins have to rely on user feedback. To that end yours has been noted.

Secondly, this site is pretty out there, very much straddling the border of acceptable/reasonable use. MY primary expectations are no child porn, and that you need to actually SAY what any file you upload does. If Vive is violating that rule then we have issue.

VIVE isn't the first person to do a demon based file, or done dark themes there are some deeply humiliating and degrading topics here but Vive has been posting for years(with a few files having several thousand downloads). I just went through most of the comments, I don't see anything. So, now I'll wait and see what the rest of the community has to say but this sounds more like Vive pushed your buttons and you're upset.
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Re: Ban vive

Postby carohypno » December 30th, 2018, 2:21 pm

Hi @kateli, @EMG

I've listened some Vive files for a while. As french speaker, his accent, lisp or english don't bother me at all. I find his files very well built, and very effective. No other hypnotists may conduct me in such trances (for some files). His files have also always a clear description of the goals, and warnings if necessary. There is no hidden tricks or manipulations. And finally, he is skilled with a very large imagination. He is certainly also borderline.
Nevertheless, as Kateli mentionned, the latest files are by far more extrem than the former ones, even if dumbing down series, or the pigs ones where quite extrems too. Personnaly, I don't follow him on this edge because I'm not in bdsm. But I'm not sure that they are more extrem than the Female takeover, or the Kei demon files. I'm just keep away from those kind of files.
To conclude, in my sense, Vive is technically a great hypnotist with great skills.. His universe may be nevertheless quite extrem, and you may be cautious about it. Hypnotism may be very dangerous for the mind, and we are always on the edge when practicing it.
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Re: Ban vive

Postby Jackstock » December 30th, 2018, 3:35 pm

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Ban vive

Postby JackDrago » December 31st, 2018, 1:20 pm

Honestly, I want a site with a wide variety of materials on it. Every subject has the right to decide for themselves what is acceptable for them or now. Warp My Mind is NOT a mental safe space, and the files available on here can be quite extreme. It's rightly up to the user to decide if they want to pay money for a potentially risky transformation.

As for his files; I have listened to a number of them myself and I am highly impressed with Vincent's skills as a hypnotist. I have learned a lot from reading his scripts and listening to his files. Each and every file he uploads honestly lists what it does and is, no doubt, highly effective. I personally find his accent sexy, but that's entirely a matter of taste.
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Re: Ban vive

Postby ViVe » January 3rd, 2019, 9:22 am

Okay... I just have to comment this. This is really bugging me.

But let's start at the beginning. Half a year ago when I posted misogyny you (or someone with a very similar user name) posted a shorter version of the same as a comment. Multiple people told you that you got your facts wrong. They told you that Misogyny is just about experiencing the fantasy safely and coming back stronger and more confident. And every single part of the Misogyny series contained a disclaimer that I'm playing a role contradicting my believes. And now I post a file on this site again, and voilà – you're back with the same text.

But I guess this isn't about facts. Like your lie about the rape file. I never did one. But let's be real, you're not the only person able to use manipulative language here. And it's pretty obvious what you are trying to do. Throwing out rape as a buzzword with some analogue marking and hoping it sticks and people associate it with me. That kind of behavior says more about you than about me. (Also using the term rape falsely just to attack people devalues it and empties it off it's meaning. I don't think we need to get into why that's a really bad thing.)

But there's one thing that get's me even more. More than your ranting at me. Even more than your attempt at dehumanizing me by consistently putting the word person in quotation marks (and you know what kind of people dehumanize people they don't like, right?).

No, the worst thing that really get's me is your inherent sexism. Do you really think there aren't any cuckqueens? Or beta girls?

They might not be as numerous as beta boys and cuckolds, I don't know. I definitely know that pretty much nobody makes files for them while there are hundreds of beta boy / cuckold files.

But yeah, I'm sexist for giving them the safe opportunity to live their fetishes. Says the person who doesn't even acknowledge their existence because they don't fit in your definitions. And obviously nobody is allowed to be different from you.

Is it weird that this is the part that annoys me the most?

@the rest: Thank you for your kind words!

@Carohypnosis: Nah. I see too many clearly differentiable shades of shittyness in the world to be bipolar.
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Re: Ban vive

Postby carohypno » January 3rd, 2019, 12:43 pm

i didn t say you were bipolar (i live with a bipolar person). Just quite borderline not in psychiatric meaning but as a man who like to explore the borders, the frontiers of human mind, to push always further thz boundaries ; it is what i like in your approach even if i don t follow you in certain area. Nevertheless, your files are by far the most effective on me!
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Re: Ban vive

Postby ViralVixen » January 4th, 2019, 8:41 pm

Vive is literally one of the least evil hypnotists I have ever seen.

Have you ever looked at his files? The amount of safety nets they have to ensure that you are only receiving the effects you absolutely want at the time you actually want them are almost ridiculous! Requiring you to draw a mark on your skin to keep it working, requiring you to wear a specific bracelet or piece of string to keep the effects working, only allowing you to be triggered by specific people who you list on paper beforehand, these are just a few of the more common examples. He really does come across as a conscientious guy who wants you to enjoy your hypnotic fantasies in as safe a way as possible.

Also why the heck would you shit on the guy for making files aimed specifically at women with fetishes for which there is not already content? There are certain fetishes that it's basically impossible to find content for if you're a girl and he is slowly fixing that. That's a good thing!
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Re: Ban vive

Postby EMG » January 4th, 2019, 10:14 pm

I think this pretty much closes the issue. I will note that the "user" in question logged in exactly once and hasn't been back since. Not sure if this is some elaborate trolling or just an idiot but Vive won't be being banned.
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Re: Ban vive

Postby outkast1728 » January 14th, 2019, 2:45 pm

If this user suggesting Vive gets banned is who i think it is, they are a toxic member of the hypnosis community. They have filed these same claims against me in multiple groups on other platforms and gotten me repeatedly banned from places all because of their accusations that I was promoting and performing hypnosis on minors without their consent. Again i have no proof that this user is who i think they are, but I have a nagging suspicion they are doing this just to get a rise out of people by being emotionally and mentally manipulative, which, while i understand some people enjoy that, I'm not alone in saying I'm not one of them. If they ever return, I humbly ask EMG to give them a stern warning and request them to behave or be banned themselves.
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Re: Ban vive

Postby EMG » January 14th, 2019, 6:14 pm

They posted once and then never signed back in. Not even worth my time.
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Re: Ban vive

Postby kzarin2 » January 15th, 2019, 12:30 pm

Vive is excellent and I'm a UK user. So accents foreign speaking English, I notice.

I enjoyed the demon fucking me up file immensely.

I'd be against arse holes trying to ban an excellent and highly contributing member of this site.
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Re: Ban vive

Postby CK1957 » March 13th, 2019, 6:36 am

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Re: Ban vive

Postby bgordie124 » March 13th, 2019, 7:47 am

FWIW, this post reminded me that I haven't checked in on what Vive has posted in a while ... so kudos to OP for promoting his name. :)
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Forbidden Content (was Re: Ban vive)

Postby cloudstalker » March 13th, 2019, 10:31 am

Re: Forbidden content. A habit I got to in the Yahoo groups days is that when I see child porn, I inform the admin PRIVATELY. It is such a serious crime that, unfortunately, there has been a history of law enforcement officers using techniques bordering (and not always on the right side of the border) on entrapment to get convictions. I, for one, would much rather let EMG trash it quietly than get the attention of LEO's.

On the main subject, in my opinion, while Vive's not my personal cup of tea, but I have no problem understanding his English (and I have a LOT of problems with accents in general), and I think he has been doing and continues to do a great service to the erotic hypnotic community.
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