Reaching trance...

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Reaching trance...

Postby dixiewrecked » December 15th, 2005, 4:09 pm

For those of you who are regularly able to reach trance, I have a few questions. I have been listening to files on an off for about 8 months now (in fact, I first found this site before it was a registered users site, and all it was was the mp3 files 8O ). Unfortunately, I don't have the time to devote to doing them every day... and it ends up being more like every few weeks. However, often for a session I will listen to many files. Unfortunately, I have never been able to reach a solid trance. The best I ever got, was two sessions ago. During the actual suggestive portion of the file, I could feel myself slipping IN to consciousness a few times, feeling as if I was coming out of a sleep, and didn't remember anything that the file said during that time. But like I said... it was in and out... not a solid trance... and it was the ONLY time I've ever experienced anything like it. SO for those of you who are able to do it regularly, what's the trick?! I think that for me, my mind running with all my thoughts may be preventing me? Of maybe TOO much focus or anticipation? I don't know. Here's a few questions that I have though, and would appreciate if you caould share with me on how you approach these.

First, for relaxation, after feeling the relaxation "move' through each of the various parts of my body, when the countdown begins, should I be trying to relax as in muscle relaxation like I feel during the warmup, or more like relax as if I were laying down to go to sleep? Maybe I'm focusing too much on my muscle relaxation?!

Second, what should the focus of my thoughts be? Sometimes I focus on the relaxing of my muscles. Sometimes I try to focus on her voice. Sometimes I try to pretend as if I were going to go to sleep, and CLEAR my mind. Which one of these is right? What works for you guys?

Finally, during the countdown, I've tried doing things like pretending to feel like I'm spiraling down, or that I'm lifting off the bed, or that I'm spinning, etc... Maybe this is also distracting me? WHat should I feel here, or what should I be trying to do or focus on.

Unfotunately, I think that all my focusing on my focusing (ironically) could be preventing me from reaching trance. I've tried using visuals, I've tried using the brainwave programs, I've tried the deepeners, and I've tried using different inductions, and none of them seem to do anything. I really really really want to be able to train myself to reach this trance, and I know that I can do it. I think I just need some help.

Any information, experiences, advise, etc that you guys could share would be great, and I would really appreciate it.

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Postby anthrax » December 15th, 2005, 6:29 pm

It sounds like you are overanalysing everything. The best advise I could give you is to just let go. Stop thinking about it. Just focus on the voice in the file and relax.

Often, a person will find they can't do something if they try too hard. You have to let go of your questions and just relax. Relax as if you were lying on a beach, just for the sake of relaxing. Feel the sun's rays on your body and as they warm you, feel it relax you. Don't worry about if you are trying to relax too hard, just relax.

"Stop trying to hit me and hit me!" - Morpheous, from "The Matrix"

Secondly, you may be in a trance and not even realise it. Sometimes you are completely alert to the file and in a trance, other times you could be in a deep trance and not remember a thing. I'd say (from my limited experience) that a deep trance is better, but a trance is still a trance. If you are only focused on the voice in the file, and everything else around you, including your own body, is out of your thoughts and you aren't aware of them, then I'd say you're in a trance.

Often I will go into and out of "deep trance" during a file, in and out like waves of consiousness. I havn't let it worry me at all because I assume it's normal, and if I did then I would probably wake up completely.

Perhaps you should try some of the induction training files, like deepening, or the ResistInduction file.

Perhaps you could even get somebody to hypnotise you in person.

I'm lucky, since trance comes really naturally to me. I've found that my experiences in trance are the same as I've had since I was young, and that I may have been "self inducing" trances all this time and not even realising it.

It is sometimes a bit of a eye opener when I realise that some people can't do it as well, but like all skills practice makes perfect.

If there are any experts out there who disagree with anything I've said, please feel free. I've only been doing this for a couple of weeks now.

Hope I helped (and sorry for the long post).

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Re: Reaching trance...

Postby Mallic » December 15th, 2005, 7:05 pm

dixiewrecked wrote:First, for relaxation, after feeling the relaxation "move' through each of the various parts of my body, when the countdown begins, should I be trying to relax as in muscle relaxation like I feel during the warmup, or more like relax as if I were laying down to go to sleep? Maybe I'm focusing too much on my muscle relaxation?!

Second, what should the focus of my thoughts be? Sometimes I focus on the relaxing of my muscles. Sometimes I try to focus on her voice. Sometimes I try to pretend as if I were going to go to sleep, and CLEAR my mind. Which one of these is right? What works for you guys?

Finally, during the countdown, I've tried doing things like pretending to feel like I'm spiraling down, or that I'm lifting off the bed, or that I'm spinning, etc... Maybe this is also distracting me? WHat should I feel here, or what should I be trying to do or focus on.

1) No, you can't really. You should do the sleep like relaxing. Remember, one rule to live by:

Even though you can still think, it doesn't mean you are not in trance.

2) The focus of you thoughts should be the individual words that EMG says. Try to analize them. Not overly, but enough so you understand what they mean. There are no subliminal messages, so EMG isn't going to do it for you.

3) You should try and feel the kind of weightless feeling that you get of rollercoasters. Or the rocking feeling that you get on boats. Or any kind of movment that you don't get normally.

So, I hope I have in some way helped.

Mallic (9544002* this is Sandys phone number)
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