Aren't These Impossible?

A place to discuss the files and hypnosis in general

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Postby SubmissMe » May 18th, 2006, 7:36 am

But these dreams are not possible. The man who purchases a lottery ticket may dream of winning the lottery, a quite possible outcome. The man who dreams of being a housecat and thus adds a hypnosis file has an impossible outcome.

Dream all you like, but it is more of a folourn hope. It will not (and nor will it ever) happen.

And all this rubbish about science telling us only so much and nobody has ever proved it impossible to turn into a housecat is all bollocks. Science and experience tells us EVERYTHING and if nobody has experienced changing into a housecat then it is very reasonable to assume that IT IS NOT POSSIBLE.

Now I respect every sort of fetish, I even keep it to myself about how annoyed I get that people post stupid files on the voting page. But when people persist in telling me these files are possible, that's where I draw the line.
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Joined: May 3rd, 2005, 12:00 am

Postby Blink » May 18th, 2006, 4:42 pm

SubmissMe wrote:And all this rubbish about science telling us only so much and nobody has ever proved it impossible to turn into a housecat is all bollocks. Science and experience tells us EVERYTHING and if nobody has experienced changing into a housecat then it is very reasonable to assume that IT IS NOT POSSIBLE.

Your conclusion is probably correct. Your logic is horribly wrong.

Prior to December 17, 1903, science and expericene told us that powerd aircraft other than blimps or balloons were impossible. Man will also never walk on the moon, by the way, and 128 kilobytes is enough memory for anyone.

Some of these files are intended to bring about hallucinations. Some folks have 'em and enjoy em. I hope that nobody (outside of trance) really believes they are turning into a housecat or a robot or whatever else. Some of the other files are intended to bring about physiological changes. Some of them are pretty damned far-fetched, and I'd go so far as to predict that the more extreme of them won't work.

I'm not, however, willing to rule out any such pysiological change based solely on limited prior experience or a lack of understanding of the mechanism of change. Historically, the people who have said things were impossible have been wrong far more often than the people who said, "I don't know."

-- Blink
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Postby CuriousG » May 19th, 2006, 3:51 pm

Just because you can't rule something out completely doesn't mean you can't tell somebody "Don't waste your time" or "Don't spend money on this scam". You just need to know that it's probable.
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Postby Blink » May 19th, 2006, 8:14 pm

CuriousG wrote:Just because you can't rule something out completely doesn't mean you can't tell somebody "Don't waste your time" or "Don't spend money on this scam". You just need to know that it's probable.

I think there's a big difference between "I don't think that will work" and "no fuckin' way and you're an idiot for trying." (I realize that's not what you said. I'm citing an extreme example.)

If anyone bothered to ask me if I thought a man could have his external genitalia morph into a vagina via hypnosis, I'd say no. As other writers have suggested, there's a lot of emprical evidence to back up that opinion, (but it remains just an opinion, no matter how solidly grounded).

If anyone bothered to ask me if I thought a man could grow breasts using hypnosis, I'd give a qualified yes. We're just talking about redistributing some bodyfat in this case, and there are quite a few success stories floating around.

If anyone bothered to ask me if I thought a person could have remote-controlled orgasms or hallucinate the presence of a tail or have strong kinesthetic responses including both pleasure and pain on command or have a negative hallucination for another person (have the person "disappear"), I'd give references.

The only thing that I want to suggest is that there is much more grey in this picture than there is either black or white. If you want to talk about odds, you're much more likely to get dreams than hallucinations. You're more likely to get tactile or auditory hallucinations than you are to get visual ones, and you're far more likely to get visual hallucinations than to get significant physical changes. Some people won't get anything. Some people will get everything. Most will be somewhere inbetween.

Relax. Have fun.

-- Blink
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Joined: January 8th, 2006, 1:00 am

Postby goldragon_70 » May 19th, 2006, 9:18 pm

Submissme, you missed my last point. If there is enough people that want it (weather posible or not), it will be made.
In my dreams I once said, "Ahh, Yes, but how many minds does my one mind hold?".
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Postby livelonger8 » March 9th, 2010, 10:12 pm

CuriousG wrote:
To give another example, you can't crunch large numbers quickly in your head the way a computer can. Even though your brain has more processing power than any digital CPU on the market, it still can't match even a pocket calculator. No matter how much time and effort you spend trying to make it otherwise, those limits will still exist..

Jack wrote:
Under normal circumstances... you know what... nevermind. Ignore everything I and all of the other people here have said, and just go about your business. Just don't try to install unneccessary limits in other people. If you want to live your life with your head up the educational systems ass where you can't see anything: Go for it. It's your life, do with it what you will.

Even if his opinion/evidence contradicts yours, find one that is converse to his, and vice versa to him - and continue to do so until you both halt to agreement on a given possibility.

CuriousG wrote:
VeryGnawty wrote:
CuriousG wrote:

Even though your brain has more processing power than any digital CPU on the market, it still can't match even a pocket calculator.

This man would disagree.

Nice, but proves no point.

There are some people essentially born with the ability to do mental math pretty well, and they can polish those skills, but there's a reason why NASA needed digital computers to start launching stuff into orbit.

And eventually there'll be a reason for anti-depressants being essential to sustain emotional balance, since there'll be no reason for our brain's employ a mechanism by which it can maintain these imbalances (hence, 'evolution').

SubmissMe wrote:But these dreams are not possible. The man who purchases a lottery ticket may dream of winning the lottery, a quite possible outcome. The man who dreams of being a housecat and thus adds a hypnosis file has an impossible outcome.

Dream all you like, but it is more of a folourn hope. It will not (and nor will it ever) happen.

And all this rubbish about science telling us only so much and nobody has ever proved it impossible to turn into a housecat is all bollocks. Science and experience tells us EVERYTHING and if nobody has experienced changing into a housecat then it is very reasonable to assume that IT IS NOT POSSIBLE.

Now I respect every sort of fetish, I even keep it to myself about how annoyed I get that people post stupid files on the voting page. But when people persist in telling me these files are possible, that's where I draw the line.

Since it occurs as a possibility for various species to switch sexes under environmental conditions, we can thus assume that we may feature the genetics responsible for developing the mechanism from which we can further alter the function of our genitals and gonads.

Also note that given an absence of reason for a biological mechanism to be used (e.g. such as not being used enough, and perhaps further repressed into a genome (perhaps even prioritized)), it will eventually disappear in future off-spring. An example of this could be eidetic memory that may occur as an innate ability in chimpanzees, and seldom for humans, repressed due to our increased use of external memory devices which inadvertently diminished its priority; another example would be the secretion of androgens in a human when one consorts to taking supplementary hormones, thus reducing mechanism priority, and eventually increasing dependence upon hormone supplements to sustain hormone balance.

From this, we can perhaps assume that the logic applies to central command which further propagates control over control mechanisms (e.g. conscious experience > subconscious > unconscious mechanisms (from this information, one could impose transitive control over the secretion of various hormones (influence)). In my view, the use of hypnosis to propagate changes (hallucinogenic or physical) would also pose the dilemma of becoming dependent on peers for exerting control; thus, in my view, one would lose their conscious mechanism for change.
Last edited by livelonger8 on March 9th, 2010, 11:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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