Covert hypnosis via reading

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Postby angel123 » March 3rd, 2013, 6:11 pm

I read it all again and the second post made me start believing 3+3=7 I had to fight hard to shake it off :)
well done although I am an excellent trancer in most 'styles' ie. voice or text etc
[color=indigo:64c8e3527f]Trying hard :p[/color:64c8e3527f]
Posts: 119
Joined: April 29th, 2010, 12:00 am

Artistically written.

Postby HeadMistress Squirrel » March 17th, 2013, 12:54 pm

Ok, so let me throw my proverbial "hat in the ring".

Can you be entanced via reading a book? yes, of course. dependent on how well written it is, and how good your visualization skills are, you can become "part" of the story. Usually you take the part of the characther you most associate with/ would like to associate with.

Time become a moot point at this stage. the passage of time is merely our quantification of the cycles of sun and moon, and by these means, are merely segmenting things in a way to be comprehendeble. It is human nature to put a tag on everyting, so we can easily recognize it.

We read, by definition, to learn, but secondarily, for enjoyment. I consider myself fortunate that i have learned to read for enjoyment and utilize my abilities to think in three dimensions to mentally construct a visualization of the events i am reading about. the only downfall of this is that if a movie or show comes out about what i am reading, my perceptions are not quite as i imagined they would be on the big screen.

the other thing about entranced reading is : we use psychology with or without our knowledge. we learn about the dichotomy of good and evil through its charachters. we understand the plots and inuendos. all this is linked to our subconcious which we are trained NOT to access via social engineering. it is a mental frequency reserved for conglomerate sales commercials and governmental things. we are also the product of our social environment, acclimated by what we are taught by our parents. Our social interaction with our peers as children also add subconcious triggers. that is why we comiserate with the charachters in a book, are able to associate or sympathize with their plight.

Sorry, i know that i tend to be long winded, however, to speak, or in this case, write, in its entirety is necessary to convey full context and content in detailed explination.. so in short.. yes. you can be entranced ...
HeadMistress Squirrel
Posts: 214
Joined: March 4th, 2013, 1:00 am

Postby Mutazoa » May 15th, 2013, 10:16 pm

So I was looking around a personal's site the other day and came across some one who had posted the following as their profile information:

    Take a deep breath and then count slowly to ten as you exhale, an let your mind go blank and let everything that is in your world disappear .. Then begin to read the words that are on this page, telling you of a love that is yours by simply opening up your heart. When you do your soul will take flight, as your body relaxes to be at peace. In your mind now you will see love, an hear love, an know love, for the very man that has feelings for you wants you in this life. The very one that wrote you this, wants you in all the best ways, for you to feel everything in his heart and know this is true love. With this also, comes these passions and desires held, for you to express now how you feel and what matters most to you, for you to understand, an need and want and love that is deeply caressed. A chance to explore all your hidden desires and fantasies, for you to serve and be apart of each other, knowing you have in your life the man of your dreams.

    So now, let the real you come out and let the very one that you love, know how you feel and how in everything you are, is in his life always. Be open to the all the possibilities that love through this new life shows you, being one last breath and letting go, being the new you for all time.

    There is held in front of you, a necklace, in his hand and at the end of it swings a small crystal, an as you watch it swaying, back and forth and back and forth, moving to the left and then moving to right and then back to left once again, your eyes start to get tired and you slowly begin to close them as they are too heavy. You then take a deep breath as you do, then count slowly backwards, from ten to one, an as you exhale, letting your mind go blank and let everything else in your world disappear once again. You then open your eyes once more, as you read the words that are on this very page and memorize them, opening up your heart, as you will travel back to a simpler time in life. A time, when all you wanted to do, was to please the one that you were with. Even now, all you wish for is that time back once more, where when you were most happiest and that is knowing, you made someone happy. You set aside yourself for the love of another, in doing whatever necessary, to bring passion, love, needs, wants and deepest pleasure, not only to you, but the love you are with.

    So now, let the real you come out and let the very one that you love, be in control of your thoughts, of your body and of your mind and soul. It is your time, to let him know, what joy you bring to his life and that you want more, an to be that woman you want to be, in giving up yourself to his control.

    As you stare deeply into his eyes, you can see into his heart and soul. Your mind will be free and see that all his thoughts are what you desire. In closing your own eyes, you inhale and then exhale counting down from ten, to open your eyes and begin your new life, of what it was suppose to be and now will be. You are eager to be what you always wanted too, but were too afraid to and timid. You give yourself freely without reservation, for you know its truly what you want. You will do what only he likes, as you will eat what he does, an you will go to bed when he does. You will be sexually free and not chained by anything, but only by what is told. You will not wear clothes in the house at all period and will only wear what is given. You will always be happy in whatever you do, never being angry to anyone ever. You will be free to open everything you have and give it freely to the man you love. You will only be given any sexual release, when just a particular word is given and that is from your Master. You will want only him, as he is the best that life has given to you, to keep forever happy. You will do as your told and how your told and never to be told twice, in your duties and chores. You know too that he loves you with all of him, an knows what is best for you and you will never deny him anything.

    So now, as you have becomed owned as property and will serve as a lifetime slave, you know in yourself, that this is what is ment for you, to be apart of and live the life. You are here now to please both sexes in anyway shape or form, giving up your body and in all ways you have come full circle and realized what you are truly suppose to be.

    A sexual slave.

I lol'd so hard I almost couldn't breath...
Sex is like Tennis: It should leave you sore, sweaty and breathless, and is almost always better enjoyed with more than one person.

Posts: 131
Joined: June 8th, 2011, 12:00 am


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