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Would this work?

PostPosted: October 10th, 2012, 11:32 am
by JustdiaperedDL
I walk to work, so I got the idea of maybe putting some files on my phone and listening to them while I walk. Would that work?

I'm asuming probably not, because there would be no trance, or who knows maybe just a different type of trance. But still, out of curiosity, would it work?

Oh and as for how far I walk/ how much time would I have, I walk a couple miles, so it's about 30 minutes.

I appologize if this was a stupid question. And if it's in the wrong section, please move it.

PostPosted: October 10th, 2012, 12:02 pm
by stan
Does the file tell you to close your eyes?
Relax every muscle in your body ?
Listen to their voice and let everything else fade away ?

Seems like a failure at the start if you ignore those suggestions so you can keep on walking.

Some files might be good for this. Those billed as 'subliminal'. I wouldn't overlook the effects of listening to something that has you thinking a certain way. Who knows, you might find it hard to remember a time you didn't always think that way.

PostPosted: October 10th, 2012, 4:42 pm
by radar
Hi JustdiaperedDL,

I wouldn't discount any file - even the ones where you can't follow the initial induction while walking.

The fact is that your sub-conscious mind is always listening.

Listening while walking may not work as well as listening in the privacy of your own home but repetitive listening can still help to set up triggers, mind-sets and ideas in your head.

Best of luck

Joanne xx

PostPosted: October 13th, 2012, 4:27 pm
by MasterHMH
It's strongly dependent upon your ability to trance - something like this will take a lot of experience. You definitely won't go super-deep, and that's good; distracted walking is more dangerous than you'd think. That said, if you're good enough at trance to allow your body to go on auto-pilot while still performing a task, then theoretically you could manage this.

If you don't have to cross a lot of busy streets, I say give it a shot, at least. Worst thing that can happen is nothing happens.

PostPosted: October 14th, 2012, 12:01 am
by ProfessorPig
i have done it before and its been ok. usually i would just get a light trance but there was one time where i was walking around in my back yard and had an incredibly deep trance. i think that was due in part to the shifting binurials in that file.

when i was doing it i only did it in places that i walked around regularly anyway and start listening on the way back. i think its easier to drift off into autopilot when you are walking if you are heading home.

i can definitely see why this might be a safety risk though. i find i am less aware of my surroundings while in trance and i am not making critical judgements about them. i heard awhile back that statistically walking around drunk is 16 times more dangerous than driving drunk.