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PostPosted: November 22nd, 2012, 6:17 pm
by Snarl
Hi - I'm brand new to this site, and I'm VERY interested in getting started - there seems to be some amazing ideas on this site.

I have tried for over a year now to do self-hypnosis, but I have yet to really go into a trance. Is there a file someone can recommend for a beginner to help me improve my ability to go under?

I don't have ADD or anything - I just find I can never quite get there..any help would be greatly appreciated


PostPosted: December 10th, 2012, 7:40 am
by blindlybright
I have that problem too. Question for you first though, what is your gender and orientation?
There was one file I listened to that was one of the only ones that fully put me under, then when it started talking about "your cock" I slowly woke up.. I have no cock.