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want to be hypnotized to grow breast

PostPosted: February 23rd, 2013, 1:10 pm
by lonewolfwp
will hoypnosis work to grow breast if so whats a good file and how long before you see something happening plz help me

PostPosted: February 24th, 2013, 2:11 pm
by joecomp2000
all for boobs.... not sure hypnosis will help..but I am all for them

PostPosted: March 5th, 2013, 11:17 pm
by regulus
if anyone finds out let me know ^^

PostPosted: June 23rd, 2013, 7:06 am
by Alien4420
No, so don't waste your time. If you want breasts you'll need to exercise your pecs -- the easiest and most socially-maskable route -- take hormones and blockers or phytoestrogen-containing supplements like black cohosh (all with a significant risk of dangerous clotting and side effects you may not want), get breast implants, or use a suction device like the Brava.

If you want to do the best possible job, you'll have to go the hormone/blocker route -- it will also feminize the rest of your body some, including your face, and change your behavior and sex drive as well -- then follow it by implants or suction if you want more. It all depends on what you want.

PostPosted: August 26th, 2013, 10:54 am
by Hank01
I have been listening to the subl. file of big boobs for about 1 1/2 weeks. You're telling me that I need to give it up? Why would they have a file on here that simply won't work? Now, you can't trust any of the files now. Anyway to figure out which ones are legit? Thanks!
What about the nipples files? There is one that makes them grow and one that makes them more sensitive. Any advice?

PostPosted: August 26th, 2013, 10:07 pm
by WME3
What he means is that files will only change you psychologically.
All the suggestions in the world can feel great. Suggest away!
But even if you want it to happen completely, doesn't mean that further listening is going to change that. That's why you listened, isn't it? To reaffirm what you know is true.

What leads to the results you want?

=================Words or Action?=================

PostPosted: August 27th, 2013, 5:56 am
by dark_wolf49
I have been using hypno and pumping for about 6 yrs and I can fit into a 38 C bra , and if you would like to see a pic of me and there are others , just go to the Gallery under Show me your tits and you will see quite a few men with breasts they got from here.

PostPosted: September 1st, 2013, 6:38 pm
by Alien4420
Hank01 wrote:I have been listening to the subl. file of big boobs for about 1 1/2 weeks. You're telling me that I need to give it up? Why would they have a file on here that simply won't work? Now, you can't trust any of the files now. Anyway to figure out which ones are legit? Thanks!
What about the nipples files? There is one that makes them grow and one that makes them more sensitive. Any advice?

Hank, there's an easy rule. If a file promises to change your *behavior,* it probably can -- what you like, what you do, even what you believe. If it promises to change you physically, it probably can't. However, as someone pointed out, those files can make you *believe* that you've changed physically, e.g., that your breasts are bigger, which may be enough for you.

As to why those files are on here, I guess you'd have to ask the hypnotists. Some people believe they work -- generally people who have been hypnotized by them and are no longer objective. The before/after pictures I've seen don't suggest that they actually do.

There's no way I know of to tell if your breasts have actually gotten larger if you've been hypnotized. Not even measuring, not even asking a friend. Hypnosis can make you believe in something no matter what the evidence.

I would think that a file that makes your nipples more sensitive would work. It won't physically change your nipples, but it will change how your brain processes the sensations that come from your nipples. It's the sort of thing that hypnosis does very well.

PostPosted: September 2nd, 2013, 9:51 pm
by Hank01
thank you for that great reply. it makes total sense to me now. no, my breasts are not getting bigger, but it is fun at times to think they are. However my nipples are getting bigger but probably from pumping them, no from the sub. file I have listened to a million times. although planting the seed from all that listening.....
Thank you again for your help.

PostPosted: September 3rd, 2013, 8:52 am
by Tangy
Hank01 wrote:thank you for that great reply. it makes total sense to me now. no, my breasts are not getting bigger, but it is fun at times to think they are. However my nipples are getting bigger but probably from pumping them, no from the sub. file I have listened to a million times. although planting the seed from all that listening.....
Thank you again for your help.

like most files around here $ to sex months you will see results :wink: