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Listening to a file while asleep

PostPosted: March 24th, 2013, 8:49 pm
by zjohns916
Would listening to a file (Curse Forced Straight in my case) do anything if you listened while you were sleeping? I'm just curious. Still new to all of this.

PostPosted: March 24th, 2013, 10:10 pm
by uw_onsterfelijk
The clear cut answer to your question is a definite... MAYBE! Hehe

But it won't really be hypnosis even if some suggestions do take affect. Look at it this way, it doesn't cost anything to try ;)

PostPosted: April 29th, 2013, 4:23 am
by Tgump
In my experience, the mental state you get right before you actually fall asleep is fairly similar to the brain-drunk state that some people get with very deep trance.

Ever gone off to bed, almost fall asleep, but are startled by something? Maybe you realized that you were, just a second ago, awake yet completely lost inside your own mind. Going into trance is much the same idea - relaxing the body and mind, making yourself more pliable, learning to just accept things as soon as you register them instead of trying to think about them. For almost everyone, posthypnotic effects like triggers or curses take many repeated listens until they take effect. Personally, it helps to have listened to it so many times that you've memorized nearly every word...and in that case, what would be the point of analysing the words? :wink:

P.S. The biggest issue I encounter with people that have trouble trancing is them overworrying. There's no specific ritual. You can go into trance sitting, lying down, or even standing up. There's nothing much you consciously have to engage in besides listening to the voice of the hypnotist. Worst-case, you just feel very relaxed and happy...that itself is a light state of trance.

PostPosted: May 1st, 2013, 1:47 pm
by cardigan
If suggestions are given to a sleeping person, they are likely to succeed. You don't even need an induction. You just fire away. However one is not in trance all through the night. As most of you know, the sleep pattern alternates constantly - going from deep sleep to REM state and back and forth. The REM state is the time where one is most susceptible - in that this is a state of deep trance. And since you are way down in trance, your critical factor is bypassed by default. So programming can occur.

So it is totally possible to program (especially) yourself and others by giving them suggestions while they are asleep. But the only suggestions that will take effect are those given while the person is in the trance-like state of sleep.


PostPosted: July 5th, 2013, 1:01 am
by darkerlife
I was very curious about this. I've been really busy and haven't had time to put myself in trance or have some fun with my slave. This is good news that its worth a shot. I'm motivated to try but too motivated to sleep lol. After giving this some thought, has anyone had sucess installing triggers durring I guess what you'd call sleepnosis?

PostPosted: July 5th, 2013, 11:41 am
by joecomp2000
sleep is not a trance .and trance is not sleep...
if you listen to a file all not, you have not slept ..
that being said you wake tired ..

and after a few days of this you will be exhusted ..

using as a subverse or covert trancing ...well it could work ...
just limit it otherwise you might get found out ..