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PostPosted: April 21st, 2005, 3:50 am
by Linja
Hey, I think one of my main problems with going into trance is that just when I feel like I'm getting somewhere, I start to feel really strong itches. They sit there distracting me until I have to scatch it, but when I do, itches appear everywhere! It's making things rather difficult, and I just have to hope that I don't get itchy. Also, salivia buildup in the mouth makes me have to swallow which also distracts me. Does anybody have any advice to rid me of these irritations?


PostPosted: April 21st, 2005, 9:54 am
by loadedkaos
These are common signs that you are going under. Some people can just scratch and go back to trance some just need to ignore the itching completely.

PostPosted: April 21st, 2005, 11:43 am
by drowsydawg
I've found that letting myself absently scratch the itches makes me think the least about them, allowing me to continue going into trance without much distraction. As usual, "It Depends"....

PostPosted: April 22nd, 2005, 4:20 am
by Guest
Alright, thanks.

I'll try ignoring them, and I'm glad that it's a sign that I'm going under more, cos I was starting to think that I'd never be able to enter trance.

So far, ignorance for me has been futile as the itch grows stronger, but perhaps I just need to break that barrier and that'll make it easier in the future.

If ignorance doesn't work at all, I'll just absent mindedly scratch it, as that also sounds like a good plan of action. Again, thanks a lot for your help.


PostPosted: April 26th, 2005, 10:08 pm
by DDebbie
I seem to get a "tightness" in my throat, Trying to relax too hard?

PostPosted: April 26th, 2005, 10:11 pm
by Folsom_god
the itching thing happens to my moms yoga students. I guess its just part of relaxing. I bet if you think about itching to much while your starting to go under youll start to itch worse. Just use the echo technique everyone talks about.

And the tightness in the throat.....maybe drink more water?

PostPosted: April 26th, 2005, 11:27 pm
by loadedkaos
Yeah, the two things that people report while in trance that can cause irritation is that they start to get ticks or itches I think this has to do with body awareness after you shut out all outside distractions you just have body and mind. They also report difficulty swallowing I think this just has to do with being too relaxed which is what you are going for. So if you experience these two things then you are going into a typical trance.

PostPosted: April 27th, 2005, 12:39 am
by Linja
Well I'm glad to hear that I'm making progress.

Just letting you know that I've taken your advice of ignoring it, and it's actually gotten a lot better! It was terrible at first, trying to ignore such a strong itch, but then it just went away, and I havn't had the problem since.

So, thanks a lot for your help.

Also, what's this echo technique?


PostPosted: April 27th, 2005, 12:54 am
by loadedkaos
I'm glad my suggestion is working out for you. The echo technique is where you repeat what is being said to you to help you focus for some people that means actually talking, or mouthing the words. However I focus my inner dialouge to repeat emg's words, this works pretty well for me although I think I put to much emphasize on echoeing because I'll go under then I'll snap out of it a little later. I need to remind myself that echoeing just something to do till I'm ready to go under, and not the reason while I'm listening to the file.

PostPosted: April 27th, 2005, 5:15 am
by Linja
Cool, I do use the echo technique then, as it sometimes helps me to focus, but yeah, every now and then I get what you described where I snap back out of it (Yeah, I'm able to go into trance now). Thanks again for the information man. Is there any alternative to the echo technique or is there a way to stop yourself from snapping out?


PostPosted: April 27th, 2005, 4:35 pm
by loadedkaos
Just practice. I find I snap out of it less when I get more used to the file, also I think that the some files work better. Like deepener 1 I really stayed under for most of it.