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Real-time self suggestion normal?

PostPosted: August 4th, 2013, 11:03 am
by HuntingWolf30
Hi folks. I encountered an interesting situation last night and though I'd ask for opinions/experiences from others.
I know that some people can hypnotize themselves into trance, and I know some people can respond to recordings of their own voices. But I couldn't easily find an instance of someone being in a deep enough trance to experience suggestions while being shallow enough to be able to give them. (maybe I just didn't look hard enough)

I had tranced to MistE's Corruption of Champion series earlier in the evening so my mind was still in something of the proper set. I relaxed into a relaxation binural (I seem to do well with binurals) and went into a light trance, then listened to the Trig-woman trigger file. While I have not been able to get physical manifestations of this, while still in trance I certainly feel the effects.
Still aware enough to want to try something different during the file, I verbally commanded myself to be unable to identify myself as a man with a further reinforcement that I was physically a woman. I noticed an immediate switch in the way my awareness felt. I still did not feel much in the way of physical change, but my mind had accepted that I was a woman at least in persona. It was hard to describe, though, as if you're wearing winter clothes in the summer and refuse to admit that you're burning up because you're wearing winter clothes.
I tested my suggestion by trying to say "I am a man", but much like forgetting numbers or a name, I could only get as far as the first sound of "man" before I locked up. Further attempts only resulted in reinforcement of the erroneous nature of the "lie". After a little more time of trying to get the physical feelings to work (marginal improvement at best), I used my revert trigger to which I had linked the "forget" suggestion to return to normal.
Anyone else had this kind of semi-aware self suggestion work well?

PostPosted: August 4th, 2013, 3:06 pm
by Xtrex486
Yeah it can happen, i know because some monts ago i read a repport of hypnosis without trance, For what i could get if you had a good control of your mind and you make the right and well explained sugestion the mind will do it without trance, something i do this to concentrate of course i lost the hypnosis like and hour later.

The thing is that you should actually concentrate more about the trigger o listen a lot more the file.

One thing its that the sugestion can work well if you meditate and concentrate yourself.

There was another way to make very powerfull aware and semi aware self sugestions thar i read one time in a meditation book, if can i will look for the methos and putting it here.