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PostPosted: August 15th, 2013, 9:15 pm
by DannSkunk
Well, as you can probably tell, I'm pretty new here. I have a thread under "help with files" but I seem to be out of that "stage" but at a point that posting under "success stories" would feel like misplaced conceit.

Anyway, I recently was listening to a file, and at some point, my memory went blank. Obviously (because of the strategically placed question mark in the thread's subject) I can't really tell if I was under, or if I was just asleep -.- Part of the confusion lies in that I don't think I dreamt of anything, but I also can't tell if I was actually under or not, because I haven't ever really felt it before.

Guess I probably won't be able to tell the difference unless I've experienced both definitively on separate occasions. I honestly don't remember what time I began; I just thought that it would give me enough time before bed to try it a few times... Lessons learned from this (mis)adventure: Try to remember what time you began, in case the file loops and you lose all sense of time, and Don't attempt to get hypnotized within a few hours of your bedtime, or when you're relatively fatigued -.-

Anyway, feedback on whether or not I was in a trance/hypnotized would be nice. I'd say that I'd be happy to give more details, but honestly I don't have any more to give. :/

PostPosted: August 15th, 2013, 9:32 pm
by uw_onsterfelijk
As I stated from your other thread: "It's not really hypnosis unless you awaken at the end, typically referred to as the "up" count. The exception being if the trance was designed for you to stay/fall asleep at the end of course."

Was the file designed to let you fall asleep?

PostPosted: August 16th, 2013, 7:47 am
by DannSkunk
uw_onsterfelijk wrote:As I stated from your other thread: "It's not really hypnosis unless you awaken at the end, typically referred to as the "up" count. The exception being if the trance was designed for you to stay/fall asleep at the end of course."

Was the file designed to let you fall asleep?

Well, no. At least, I don't think so. It said nothing about actually falling asleep in the description, and it wouldn't really make sense to let me... As to waking up at the end, I don't remember waking up at the end of any of the loops that probably occurred... It wasn't designed to make me forget either, I don't think. So, yeah, I was probably just sleeping.

PostPosted: August 17th, 2013, 8:39 am
by wohermiston
dropouts are normal. at least for me. it is not uncommon to drop out, and then drop back in and not be sure if you missed something or not.
I think these episodes are generally very short periods, like seconds or less, but they can feel like much longer. I take it as a good indicator of trance. bouncing right on the boudary of conscious vs unconscious. It reminds me of when I used to travel alot by airplane. as the cabin got pressurized and you get up to cruising altitude. I could hear the rushing air of the cabin and all the voices of people talking. and every now and then, the voices would vanish leaving only the sound of the rusing air.
with a little concentration, the voices would return. Clearly something to do with how the ear works under pressure; but startling just the same.
According to Erickson, the only true way to detect trance requires interaction with another person. he talks of hand or finger levitation upon asking questions. He says a certain kind of motion tells whether the subject is truly under or not.

PostPosted: August 20th, 2013, 9:31 am
by CharredSoul
it doesn't matter if you woke up or not, or if you knew or not, you would have had trance experiences without knowing it, sometimes especially before bed and laying down, the body could be so tired that it will take the sleep over waking up for a file. i have had clients that needed the sleep more than a suggestion of waking, some haven't woken for upto an hour or little more after the suggestion.

all i can suggest and have many times is to do it sitting upright or in a lazy boy chair, we are conditioned from birth that laying down is going to sleep although it is a form of trance, its not a very useful one and one that we can't overcome. there have been studies showing that neural pathways do not fire whilst asleep, so maybe give sitting ago where you can semi-consciously follow the file.