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Guy looking for advice/help.

PostPosted: October 16th, 2013, 10:06 pm
by HypnoJ
I've had an interest in Hypnosis for years, and have been trying various files and methods of hypnosis for pretty much the same time. There have been a number of times I've felt like I may have entered trance, but I am unsure, because, no matter what I've listened to, no matter how often I tried repeating it, I have never been able to achieve even the smallest effect. I have been unable to make even the simplest suggestion work unless it was the kind of thing i could just "play along" with, which I tried to see if it would maybe "trick" my mind into accepting suggestions better.

I have tried both erotic and non-erotic suggestions, text, audio, and video inductions, while sleeping, while tired and while fully awake, laying or sitting, Sometimes for months on end listening to the same file repeatedly without the slightest result.

I'm beyond even hoping for a hands-free orgasm or anything like that anymore but i can't even manage a hands-free erection or creating an urge to do something(even a controllable urge).

I can't really explain why I am so desperate to make this work, but I am. What advice can you give me?

PostPosted: October 17th, 2013, 5:28 am
by Nate80
have answered your post in meeting grounds on this. hope it helps.

PostPosted: October 17th, 2013, 6:27 am
by HypnoJ
Based on advice from my other thread, If anyone is willing to try a one on one session with me, I'd greatly appreciate it.

I have had people try before but never anyone who had any real kind of experience or qualifications.

If you can get anything to work you are welcome to have a little fun as long as nothing is permanent. If the timing is right I can try Skype(As long as my nosy family isn't around) or I can try text session though I imagine Skype would be more effective.

Although maybe my preconceptions are part of the problem.

PostPosted: October 17th, 2013, 11:51 am
by danny1988
I may be able to offer some help as someone who has struggled with trance for a long time now.

I recently started listening to hypnosis again with my new master :)
Anyways I started with a simple induction and didnt think too much what would happen I did hoever focus on the feelings the file gave me and compared them to when I was not listening.

There was a slight difference between how I was listening and not, for me I guess my body feels a little tingly and its almost like a not wanting to move as I like the feeling.
Yes I think about things still and stuff pops into my head randomly but I do find myself back at the voice eventually.

You must note through listening I was still concious and I could hear the world but I payed it no attention, you know like when you try and get to sleep and you just dont focus on the world like that.

I am starting to think or realise trance doesnt mean totally out of it, its not some magical state of being. Its just nice relaxation where you are open to suggestions more.

Also when I listened to this file cardigans butt plug file ^^ I well felt amazing listening I just loved the feelings and although I didnt feel the butt plug really I did notice my butt felt weird afterwards and I just enjoyed that ^^

I hope this helps you :)

PostPosted: October 17th, 2013, 1:04 pm
by HypnoJ
I have felt like that quite a number of times...usually I do feel "tingly" as you said, and like I could move or wake up anytime i wanted, but I don't really want to and yes, sometimes my mind drifts away from the file and then back but the difference is, I've never felt even the slightest hint of a suggestion working, even after more than a month of the same file daily, or after months of files that were supposed to increase suggestibility and THEN a month of the same file. I've tried well over a dozen different files and effects for a month or more at a time and never felt a twinge of the suggestion they were supposed to be giving me.

PostPosted: October 17th, 2013, 1:40 pm
by danny1988
I know your pain it is annoying when nothing seemed to work for me.
Im learning what trance is again honestly, taking it slow.

The one file that affected me was involving feminisation and I know it did as I got to the point where I saw myself as female and wanted to transition. So I guess with me it happened without realising it.

Some files work better than others, anyways I hope you find your trance. Just stick with something simple and small :) Halloucination basted stuff is apparently really difficult and personality changes seem easier well they did for me.

PostPosted: October 20th, 2013, 8:34 am
by wohermiston

written for those studying hypnotism,
this can be alot to read, but if you skim it you will get a good understanding of trance and why it can be so difficult. With audio files, the intention, or hope, is that with repeated listening, you will allow yourself to become comfortable with the tist and the process. But i get the idea from Erickson that this is not always going to work, and some will need the direct observation of a tist to confirm when you are really "under". In otherwords, an in person session.

Having said that, you must really want this to work for it to work.

Hope that helps

PostPosted: October 20th, 2013, 11:31 am
by danny1988
wohermiston wrote:

written for those studying hypnotism,
this can be alot to read, but if you skim it you will get a good understanding of trance and why it can be so difficult. With audio files, the intention, or hope, is that with repeated listening, you will allow yourself to become comfortable with the tist and the process. But i get the idea from Erickson that this is not always going to work, and some will need the direct observation of a tist to confirm when you are really "under". In otherwords, an in person session.

Having said that, you must really want this to work for it to work.

Hope that helps

Going to have a read of this myself thanks for the link :)