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PostPosted: December 28th, 2005, 9:27 am
by switchonspeed
Hi Im brand new to all of this, and i need some advice as to where to start. I have never been in a trance before - is there a recommended 'starter' file? i understand that there are pure inductor files - where are they?

any help will be nice,

PostPosted: December 28th, 2005, 9:42 am
by gerbillord
I would suggest the deepening files, but i havent really found the "starter" one. There are just so many training files!

PostPosted: December 28th, 2005, 11:39 am
by cardigan
All the free non-premium files are complete in themselves. That means that they each consist of an induction, a section of commands and a wakener. Any one of these can be readily used. However some are harder to make work than others.

For your first attempts you should probably try something simple - maybe just an induction to see how that feels. Oh, and don't worry - if you enter trance and the file stops, you will wake up eventually - maybe right away, maybe after a nap, maybe next morning :-) You COULD set an alarmclock just in case!

But I actually mean it - train to go into trance before doing anything. Then when you are comfortable going into a trance, you might try one of the simple files - one that doesn't make you change physically or halucinate anything. But try anything you like really, and accept that the file might need some listening to, before it works. With the right attitude, patience and an open mind, you can do anything - you really can.