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Don't let this happen to you

PostPosted: December 31st, 2005, 8:47 am
by misfit
I was talking to a friend on another site in their chat room. We were discussing hypnosis, and he told me that he has used the TrigBodySlave and TrigGaySlave files from this site. They are both working very well for him...too well in fact.

He made the mistake of telling the wrong person what his triggers are. Unfortunately he doesn't even know who that wrong person is. This person has been calling him to trigger him, or triggering him online. He's then been forcing my friend to give out very personal info in a chat room. The info has included his name, address, phone number, triggers and Social Security Number. Since they used the TrigGaySlave he wasn't even aware he had done so. Someone else told him about it afterwards.

He's currently using DeprogramAll to clear the triggers. He's contacted his bank about protecting himself from identity theft and he's changing his phone number.

I know he loves having those triggers and having people use them, so I'm going to help him out with that too. I'm recording some new files for him that will have different triggers. Hopefully he'll be more careful handing them out this time. I'm also going to build in some safeguards to prevent giving out his personal info.

I wanted to share this story to make people aware of a danger of trigger files. Be very careful handing out your triggers, because those people can pass them on. Just some food for thought.


PostPosted: December 31st, 2005, 11:21 am
by devonimp
A small tip... there is a file on this site that is supposed to allow you to choose when and iff you are triggered. You can't back down once you accept a trigger, but from my understanding it gives you the option of refusing to follow one.

Regardless, thats something I am worried about with a friend of mine, since they use a modification of Enchanted Keyboard Curse that would allow something similar. As far as I know I'm the only one who knows their trigger, and I"VE been almsot begging them to use the file I just mentioned.

PostPosted: December 31st, 2005, 7:05 pm
by jun
Technically anyone who knows we get the files from this site could trigger us. All they would have to do is listen to the same file to get it.

I'd say not only be careful about who you give triggers to, but also who you discuss your hobbies with. It wouldn't take much for someone online or at work to track down this site off a google search for any file you mention and then wreak all kinds of havoc.

PostPosted: January 1st, 2006, 9:32 am
by johnfletcher21206
You're right, triggers can be dangerous in the wrong hands.

BTW, Elvis knocks on the screen door. Shave the fish clockwise.

PostPosted: January 1st, 2006, 9:34 am
by jun

Must go to work naked... and slather myself in 10w30 oil... and shave my head... and buy Geico insurance...

*staggers off*

PostPosted: January 1st, 2006, 10:06 am
by missypuss
Happy silly Christmas to u all/ Im sorry .. been away for a while but it seems it gets a little more interesting every time I visit.. all Hypnosis is self hypnosis... believe that if u will... but if u didnt want to give a person that info.. u would not have given this person that info.........
No one does anything they dont want to..
We ALL have free will........................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No one can do something they truly dont truly want to do........honestly!!!! :twisted: xxx

PostPosted: January 2nd, 2006, 12:52 am
by EMG
Yes, but there are a small # of people that believe deep down that they deserve ANYTHING that happens to them so hypnosis can be VERY powerful for them because if someone wants to take their phone # they believe that's fine because they deserve it. Also some believe that hypnosis is more powerful than it is for the rest of us and that means they may accept a trigger unconditionally. For those people there is ChooseTrig in the catergory Other. That way you can choose who you allow to trigger you.

missypuss wrote:Happy silly Christmas to u all/ Im sorry .. been away for a while but it seems it gets a little more interesting every time I visit.. all Hypnosis is self hypnosis... believe that if u will... but if u didnt want to give a person that info.. u would not have given this person that info.........
No one does anything they dont want to..
We ALL have free will........................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No one can do something they truly dont truly want to do........honestly!!!! :twisted: xxx

PostPosted: January 2nd, 2006, 7:50 pm
by misfit
Thanks for the input everyone. All good always. That's one great thing about this site...everyone is so willing to help everyone know and understand. Thanks again.

PostPosted: January 4th, 2006, 7:18 am
by missypuss
EMG wrote:Yes, but there are a small # of people that believe deep down that they deserve ANYTHING that happens to them so hypnosis can be VERY powerful for them because if someone wants to take their phone # they believe that's fine because they deserve it. Also some believe that hypnosis is more powerful than it is for the rest of us and that means they may accept a trigger unconditionally. For those people there is ChooseTrig in the catergory Other. That way you can choose who you allow to trigger you.

No one does anything they dont want to..
We ALL have free will........................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No one can do something they truly dont truly want to do........honestly!!!! :twisted: xxx

Qiute right ..EMG.. and I stand before u corrected..
Of course some people want to believe something so much that they may accept a trigger unconditionally..
I forgot how it was for me when I first became involved in this sort of scene..
Good advice.. :oops:


PostPosted: January 5th, 2006, 4:33 pm
by Ceot
Looks down at the ground humbled by his foolishness. :cry:

PostPosted: January 6th, 2006, 1:24 am
by missypuss
You arent foolish....Ceot.. "Blows you a kiss x"