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Question about Hypnosis

PostPosted: January 6th, 2006, 4:18 pm
by MrCobaltBlue
Ok so I'm reading this book called "The Poet" by Michael Connelly and in it the killer is using Hypnosis combined with a drug such as Codine or Cough Syrup to give the victim a highened hypnotic trance.

My question is, can a drug such as Cough Syrup lead to a better trance? Or make it easier to enter a trance? And if so is it safe to take something like that before hand?

Hopefully someone has had some experience with this. Thanks.

PostPosted: January 6th, 2006, 5:19 pm
by Jack
Yes.. and no.

The answer depends on: the situation, the subject, the hypnotist(s), and the programming.

Safety depends on: drug(s) taken, quantit(y/ies) taken, time(s) taken, and the subjects response to these factors.

A problem with the utilization of drugs is that drugs tend to create dissociative mental states within the subject such that the programming needs to be bridged to the normal cognitive state of the subject.

If I left anything out: sorry. going for brevity. Feel free to ask more questions.


PostPosted: January 6th, 2006, 5:36 pm
by aeroue
Don't use just any cough syrup unless you want to overdose on something.

However there are many that are fairly safe, a list and guide of which is at this site.

Which has info on almost every drug and will give you all the info you need to know. Just look for DXM which is the active ingredient you are looking for if it is cough syrup.

If you are considering this make sure you research a lot beforehand and are sure it is a good idea.

I do not know if it will work but it is meant to be a pretty good trip.

PostPosted: January 6th, 2006, 9:25 pm
by goldragon_70
With any drug taken, if taken regularly, the body will build up a resistance to it, and even become dependent on it.

PostPosted: January 6th, 2006, 11:41 pm
by jun
Well, I just tried DXM (light amount, but much higher than a normal dosage for a cough) and it didn't do anything for me.

Sure it was a little fun, but it didn't do anything for the files. I tried listening to files during and my trance didn't really seem any different. I also tried every trigger for every file I've ever tried and not one of them did anything.

I think the disociative properties hinder its usefulness for things like this. (at least for me)

I did have a couple hallucinations, but they were limited to hearing the windows default "external device disconnect" and "external device connect" (which I'm still not positive _was_ a hallucination since I've been having problems with my external HD >.> ) while my file was playing in Winamp.

Personally, I don't plan on doing this again. As has been stated before; I think I can concentrate better and get better results free of drugs/stimuli.

If anything I may start eating better and taking vitamins to see if strengthening my brain (rather than fooling it) might help instead.


Oh, and a great many thanks to aeroue for pointing us to the erowid website. It was a huge help. ^^

PostPosted: January 7th, 2006, 8:08 am
by aeroue
It is a great site.

Quite possibly my favourite on all the internet.

I doubt DXM is a great choice though probably too trippy something more like a sedative would be better, as with codeine.