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Hypnosis while Exercising on stationary bike

PostPosted: March 19th, 2014, 11:24 pm
by antrare
Hi all,

I am looking for an audio (or ideas to put together one) to create a hypnosis induction while riding a stationary bike. I'm intending on using suggestions such as increased arousal/pleasure for each circuit of my legs and the harder I work the greater the pleasure. I'm interested primarily in the induction while I'm focussed/doing something else...

The intention is for it to last about 30mins and to eventually not need the audio for the arousal/pleasure to happen. i.e. conditioning so the act of riding provides the positive feedback.

Any thoughts on the induction/process that I could use? I'm primarily used to relaxation inductions which would not work as well in this instance.


PostPosted: March 20th, 2014, 8:49 am
by Endo
I tried doing some nosis stuff during workout once, and I couldn't stand it. It made time slow to a friggin' crawl, and it was generally uncomfortable.

Of course, you could install the suggestions to enjoy your workout the night before, and then just focus on the workout.

PostPosted: March 20th, 2014, 3:27 pm
by antrare
Thanks! I thought about doing something like that but I'm more interested in seeing if I can do it while I'm riding. The idea (arousal/pleasure) would be a start to kick it off and see how I go (and where I can take it).

I'm getting fairly good at trancing now and have started forgetting the sessions (even when they're my own audio) so I'm curious to see if I can make something of this.