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Hypnosis works better for me when I'm not in trance.

PostPosted: July 20th, 2014, 6:46 am
by Vindria
I've been listening some of the hypno files while doing regular things such as playing video games, I focus on the task at hand and the hypnosis at the same time while telling myself to submit to the hypnotist, and well... I've had some shockingly powerful results, I mean, my thoughts have been consumed with the suggestions of some files after just one listen.

However, when I try to fall into trance, the hypnosis just bounces right off of me.

Does anyone else also experience this? Or does anyone know the cause behind this? If it helps I have had a long history of mood disorders and personality disorders from an early age, some of which still are not cured.

PostPosted: July 20th, 2014, 1:08 pm
by ProfessorPig
i think the idea that you have to consciously focus on the words of the hypnotist is a misconception, but i also believe that there is no one right way that works for everyone, so for some people it might be the right answer.

i think it sounds like for you the right answer it to have your conscious mind busy so that you are not questioning the suggestions you are given. if you are playing games the suggestions may be gaining the positive association of the good feeling you get when you are playing the game. i have heard it said that when you are in an imaginative state you are also suggestable in the same way as a trance state so perhaps these games are also getting you in a trance state with a combination of the flicker of the monitor and imagining what is going on in your game.

PostPosted: July 31st, 2014, 2:02 am
by cardigan
Hypnosis is simply defined as the bypass of the critical factor of the conscious mind to install acceptable selectable suggestions in the subconscious mind. You con't have to have a formal induction to install suggestions. As long as the conscious mind is fully occupied playing a hard game, any suggestions that are acceptable can easily bypass the conscious mind and go straight into the subconscious.
In fact - when you don't THINK you are being hypnotized, there's almost no critical factor present. It's called waking hypnosis and can be every bit as effective as a real trance. And with people who are a little nervous about going into trance using a real trance induction and so forth its a godsend.