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PostPosted: September 1st, 2014, 2:09 am
by janus_lead
Hi all~ I've been wandering through this site for quite some time but haven't really found a file I'm compatible with. I was thinking if anyone can make a file that makes the listener more submissive and more eager for a relationship (with a guy)?

I'm not that good a subject, it would seem. Although I haven't really listened to a file too many times. I know that this isn't a dating site and all. But is there anyone else out there between the age of 18 (for obvious legal reasons) and 25 who is interested in hypnosis?

Yup, that's about it. Cheers! ^^

"Stand behind Braum!" -Braum 8)

Re: Request?

PostPosted: September 1st, 2014, 9:45 am
by HypnoKatie
janus_lead wrote:I'm not that good a subject, it would seem. Although I haven't really listened to a file too many times. I know that this isn't a dating site and all. But is there anyone else out there between the age of 18 (for obvious legal reasons) and 25 who is interested in hypnosis?

Plenty of us. :) I mean, the average age of the forum seems to be more late-20s/early-30s. But, for example, I'm 19.

PostPosted: September 2nd, 2014, 12:51 am
by demigraff
I'm always happy to do custom files; though the time I can devote to it may be a bit limited, because I'm struggling a lot with money right now and anything that might stop me becoming homeless has to take priority.

Is there any more detail you'd like to add? The closer a file matches what you want, the easier it should be to make it work. Of course, a live session would be more likely to work, as the 'tist can judge whether or not each technique is working and then try something else. But we can always try one more technique ^_^