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Looking for some help on a simple script

PostPosted: February 2nd, 2006, 9:36 pm
by Binnkin
Hello, i am pretty new to the world of hypnotism and ive only had the opportunity to read a few books on the subject. The issue im running into is that within the books ive read they've given me scripts on hypnotising and coming out of hypnosis but the only scripts they've given me to test the hypnosis cover serious things (to me) such as depression, dieting, quitting smoking, etc. I was hoping someone here could please assist me in creating a simple script that i could try on my girlfriend, maybe something to the extent of whenever i kiss her belly button she'll giggle or something simple like that. If anyone can help me it would be much appreciated.


PostPosted: February 3rd, 2006, 5:18 pm
by Jack
Some suggestions:

1. Don't use any response that is already available. ex: touching/kissing causing sensation of being tickled in someone who already responds by feeling as though they are being actively tickled.

2. Make sure you repeat the suggestion(s) in different ways that all mean the same thing or very close to the same thing. ex: Whenever I touch your nose you will feel drunker than you've ever been before. You will feel drunker than you've ever felt anytime I touch your nose. You will find that you become completely drunk at the moment I touch your nose.

3. Always include a way to remove or turn off whatever suggestions that have been given. ex: Any time after I've touched your nose that I touch your ear you will return to normal/how you felt before I touched your nose.

4. You might want to consider putting in phrases that make the suggestions only respond to you. ex: Whenever I, and only I, touch your nose you will feel drunker than you've ever felt before.

5. Or another person. ex: Whenever you- and only you- touch your ear, you will return to normal.

Just a few examples from which you should be able to use, and pick out other ideas from.

Any specific questions or if you want someone to peruse your script before you record it, you can e-mail it to me or send it to me in a PM and I will respond as soon as I can.

PostPosted: February 4th, 2006, 3:26 am
by Binnkin
thanks much! :)

PostPosted: February 5th, 2006, 4:19 pm
by Cubeguru
another little tip, remember they are called suggestions, meaning you mearly hint at the idea, dont force it upon them

PostPosted: February 5th, 2006, 5:34 pm
by Jack
Unless.... they like it that way..

PostPosted: February 5th, 2006, 9:04 pm
by futile_mind
Anouther tip:
Try not to use words like no, neither, not, ect....
Instead of: You wil not be drunk.
Try: You will find yourself becoming sober.

PostPosted: February 6th, 2006, 12:16 am
by loony28
futile_mind wrote:Anouther tip:
Try not to use words like no, neither, not, ect....
Instead of: You wil not be drunk.
Try: You will find yourself becoming sober.

:twisted: I've heard some people say that you should avoid using future tense words like will. So your example would become something like this: You find that you are sober. Something like that. :twisted:

PostPosted: February 6th, 2006, 6:30 pm
by Binnkin
8) thanks for the input

PostPosted: February 7th, 2006, 2:32 pm
by cardigan
A slight contradiction: It's alright to use the future tense, but you have to make sure that the subject's subconscious knows when you intend it to happen in the future!

If you just say: "You will find yourself becoming more and more sober" - the subconscious could ignore it, because you do not specify WHEN. So it takes it to mean sometime in the future, which could be never. So instead use phrases like:

"You will find yourself becoming more and more sober from now on. More and more for each second. "

You might emphasise it even more by saying:

"I will count from one to five, and when I reach the number five, you will be completely sober".

Actually the whole thing is worded to be in the future, but it will work fine nevertheless.