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The future of hypnosis with virtual reality?

PostPosted: May 5th, 2015, 4:17 pm
Virtual reality helmets will soon be a household thing, and thinking of what this could do for hypnosis. There is this rollercoaster demo that alot of people have tried and everyone says their mind actually thinks they are on a rollercoaster and they feel it.

This leads me to think that this would be insane for going into deep trance. The view could be the falling elevator and such and maybe things that help suggestions work. Your mind thinks whatever you see in VR is real, so that should be amazing for hypnosis I think.

PostPosted: May 7th, 2015, 9:33 am
by JackDrago
The thing I really want is a combination Mind Bridge and Occlus Rift. With that you could make an app that could make just about anyone trance super deep, since it could monitor the neural correlates of trance and provide binaural and looped trancers to get you down exactly to the depth you want and keep you there. Also seperate subliminal layers on each ear and eye along with 3 D visualization.