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My heart makes it hard to relax

PostPosted: August 9th, 2015, 7:12 pm
by Archiert
Sometimes, when i listen to a file (mostly at the start of an induction), my heart can start beating really fast or i get a bit of a rush. Surprisingly, this can make it a bit hard to just let go and go into trance. Was wondering how normal this is and if theres anything i can do to make it easier to trance

PostPosted: August 9th, 2015, 10:00 pm
by diode168
This is pretty common. I know I use to get it. The only thing you can do is just practice trancing with files that do nothing but trance.

This will give you a nice safe place to slowly get rid of the habit as your subconscious learns that there is no reason to get all stressed.

PostPosted: August 14th, 2015, 3:48 pm
by wohermiston
from a post in the help section maybe this one is worth a try