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Just a Question

PostPosted: March 5th, 2006, 6:48 pm
by GaaliDurne
This is posed to Mr. EMG, and I'm sorry if I'm being rude by asking this. How do you test whether a file will work? Do you have several subjects listen to them until they see results? And how do you test for physical changes, like with Feminizing Transformation? I'm really just curious and I apologize again if I'm being rude.

PostPosted: March 5th, 2006, 11:37 pm
by cardigan
I can answer that. A correctly made hypnotic file is made following certain priciples of speech etc. If one practises hypnosis for a while, it becomes almost second nature. Making it in the correct way ensures that it works.

Making a file that will cause physical change is connected to knowing what you can and cannot accomplish with hypnosis. You are really guiding the subject into making changes him/herself - for instance through instructing the body to produce more testosterone or oestrogen. A small change in that will go a long way :-) Faith is a big part of it too... You'd be surprised what kinds of physical and mental changes are really possible with hypnosis.

PostPosted: March 7th, 2006, 8:24 pm
by GaaliDurne
Thanks for all your help. :D