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Virtual hypnosist questions....

PostPosted: March 16th, 2006, 6:57 am
by Psychedelico
Ok.... I have downloaded the program from the virtual hypnosist site and I have found some weird stuff from these forums.... and I also have other questions relating to the program....

1)How do I enable the speech in program? that i don't have to read the words....

2)How can i play other files in the program than presets?

3) Whats this?
Hey, sorry to bump this, but does anyone else get creeped out by the Room of Nothingness deepener? I swear, that room sends chills.
...that was in some virtual hypnosist topic....

4)What is a good and free program to edit files downloaded from here? cutting off those "wake up"-parts...

:roll: Thanks for all who understand and help me....

PostPosted: March 17th, 2006, 11:30 am
by Jacara
1) Did you download and install the speech stuff from their website when you downloaded V.H.? If those are installed, it should default to using speech; if not, it'll do text.

2) Right below the "Session Presets" button there's a "Session Configuration" one. Use that to set up a new preset, or modify an existing one. I suggest loading an existing preset (the Load button is down on the bottom) and playing around with it.

3) It's one of the deepeners you can select. You'll see it when you do #2.

4) I use Goldwave. It's shareware, but as far as I can tell it doesn't expire, and doesn't limit what you can do. There's just a little reminder about it being shareware when you start the program.

I hope that helps :)

PostPosted: April 8th, 2006, 5:41 pm
by jayjedi
if you're a premium member, you could also just get the body. A body is just the suggestion part of the file without the induction, deepeners or wakeners.

If you are just a regular member, there's Audacity. It's freeware and a very good program.

PostPosted: April 10th, 2006, 7:44 pm
by frantikk300
yeah but Audacity can be a hard program to figure out if you have never used it before. And I have had Virtual Hypnotist in the past though and I thought it was ok. I have sinced deleted it as it was taking up too much memory on my labtop.
