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PSA: Silly script ideas? Not hardly!

PostPosted: March 25th, 2006, 12:12 am
by nuit09
here is something that illustrates that your sensibilities being offended by a script's concept is not a reliable criterion for judging the efficacy of a hypnotic script. Let's take for example "Curse, Swimmer's Body." Utter rubbish, right? Can't work right?

Not so, according to peer reviewed medical journals:

Philip Cohen, reporting on the annual Society of Neuroscience in the November issue of New Scientist, called the new findings a “couch potatoes dream.” Researchers have discovered that imagining exercise can increase the strength of even large muscles. Using ten volunteers between the ages of 20 and 35 to imagine flexing one of their biceps as hard as possible in imaging sessions five times a week, volunteers showed a 13.5% increase in strength. There was no change for the control group who did not participate in the mental gymnastics. Additionally, the volunteers maintained their strength gain for three months following the end of the mental session.

I again submit that the best criterion for judging a script is probably it's compostion, which gives a indication of the mental fitness and age of the proposer.

PostPosted: March 25th, 2006, 1:03 am
by Hyp-know-fetish
Surprise! I'm back!

Interesting find. So science now accepts what we've known and done for a long time? That's sadly ironic and funny at the same time.

I would agree with you that the key is a well-written script. After all, a quote from

Saying "you don't like candy" causes the subject to imagine candy, and imagination is the language of the subconscious!

That is why the best scripts, that get excellent results, cause the listener to paint pictures in their minds. Visualizations. For example, to get a subject very obedient, I used to step them through the classic deepeners. Now, I just have them imagine a completely obedient version of themselves. After they visualize it, I tell them to become that person. Works twice as well with half the time.

What you forget to mention is that the voice of the 'tist means just as much. A Ben Stein voice isn't likely to get good results. But then, it works on Virtual Hypnotist, so who knows? ;)

Seriously, a methodic, fluid yet friendly voice is ideal for hypnosis. My voice doesn't quite fit the bill, but I don't get paid much to do it, either.

PostPosted: March 25th, 2006, 1:14 am
by nuit09
i concur. would you do me the favor of looking at my proposed script in general hypnosis forum with an eye towards critiquing the flow and hypnotic mechanics?

PostPosted: March 25th, 2006, 9:25 am
by goldragon_70
Even without that information, curse swimmers body was not a bad Idea. The Ideas that were absurd were like the ones that would be achieved through mass hypnosis, or mass illusions. Weather or not they are doable, they are not a good Idea, and almost no one would benefit from the files.

PostPosted: March 25th, 2006, 5:04 pm
by nuit09
goldragon_70 wrote:Even without that information, curse swimmers body was not a bad Idea. The Ideas that were absurd were like the ones that would be achieved through mass hypnosis, or mass illusions. Weather or not they are doable, they are not a good Idea, and almost no one would benefit from the files.

I am going to do one file that is a couple's file. the two subjects will be hypnotised to jointly experience the same thing. they will astrally project and have astral sex together. i just need to check a couple of things about preventing erotic arousal from ending the projection. Most books on astral stuff say that sexual aousal is a show stopper. but i have a few that say otherwise. Notably; Gavin and Yvonne Frost's book on the subject and DMK's sex magick book.

So anyway this script idea i have will be mass hypnosis (2 subjects) and in my opinion benificial and if this one works i will try one in which consenting partners actually temporarily swap bodies. Don't know how that one will work out either.

PostPosted: March 25th, 2006, 8:54 pm
by CuriousG
Are you saying, Nuit, that there's no point at which we should adopt skepticism regarding a script?

PostPosted: March 25th, 2006, 9:00 pm
by goldragon_70
nuit09 wrote:
goldragon_70 wrote:Even without that information, curse swimmers body was not a bad Idea. The Ideas that were absurd were like the ones that would be achieved through mass hypnosis, or mass illusions. Weather or not they are doable, they are not a good Idea, and almost no one would benefit from the files.

I am going to do one file that is a couple's file. the two subjects will be hypnotised to jointly experience the same thing. they will astrally project and have astral sex together. i just need to check a couple of things about preventing erotic arousal from ending the projection. Most books on astral stuff say that sexual aousal is a show stopper. but i have a few that say otherwise. Notably; Gavin and Yvonne Frost's book on the subject and DMK's sex magick book.

So anyway this script idea i have will be mass hypnosis (2 subjects) and in my opinion benificial and if this one works i will try one in which consenting partners actually temporarily swap bodies. Don't know how that one will work out either.

The files I was talking about is that the person that was listening to the file, would have to have the ability to do mas hypnosis, with just what they say to people in a public area.

PostPosted: March 25th, 2006, 11:24 pm
by nuit09
CuriousG wrote:Are you saying, Nuit, that there's no point at which we should adopt skepticism regarding a script?

I'm saying that point is not dependant on one person's sensibilities. a person's sensibilities and beliefs have a lot to do with exposure and aculturation and less to do with what is physically possible though a critic will often couch their objections in those terms. a layman may poo poo a script that purports to cause muscles to grow without exercise. this may make perfect common sense to him. but another person who has studied medicine and physiology may say heck yeah, it happens all the time. if the first person encounters the opinion of the second without reference to the second person's credentials, he may call the second tens kinds of credulous even though the second is actually better qualified to judge the possibilities.

Even if the script appears to do something that violates the laws of physics there are self consistant arguments that an alternate to those rules may be applied. For example; FTL travel is "disallowed" by the rules of physics. Yet there actually are subsets of physical laws that do allow FTL travel. See Alcubierre as one of dozens of examples of allowable FTL travel. Physicists know this but their first argument against FTL will ignore those cases and be to state physics does not allow FTL travel. physicists actually formulated whole axioms as valid theory components to disallow things that violate their own sensibilities. As an example the Causality Ordering Postulate (COP.)

In summary one person's sensibility alone is not a reliable yard stick.

PostPosted: March 26th, 2006, 3:30 pm
by nuit09
CuriousG wrote:Are you saying, Nuit, that there's no point at which we should adopt skepticism regarding a script?

I suppose i could easily draw the line at a script that causes an effect that is lethal like making someone imbibe water until they die of water intoxication. The person who proposed that one clearly did not know that water is toxic if taken in excess. it was most unwise.

But even proposals that are just ridiculous in my view have a right to trial by popular vote. the thing is i suspect some people are cheating by making multiple accounts just to vote their idea to the top. we have 30K members? really? uh uh.

PostPosted: March 26th, 2006, 5:37 pm
by Jack
Just something that I find funny:

Medicines are tested against hypnotic effects(aka "placebos"). Only if they're found to be more effective than waking hypnosis/suggestion, and with a minimum of unwanted side effects will the medicine be allowed to be widely distributed to the public.

Science has accepted hypnosis for a while, or at least certain parts of hypnosis. Anyone ever heard of a sterile hypno? If a doctor cannot find a biological reason for an illness/complaint, at times, they will administer an injection of sterilized water to see if it will "fix" the problem.

PostPosted: March 26th, 2006, 8:02 pm
by nuit09
Yup. or a seriptious B12 shot.