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Weird first time trance.

PostPosted: March 31st, 2006, 3:53 am
by georang
I came across this site while reading in a gaming message forum. Anyway i downloaded a file from another site. It worked the first time i was in a trance. Now heres the weird thing. I was on speed during it and when i was in the trance my eyes were moving like they move when your having a dream. Is this normal? The speed i took was ritalin and adderall. I think it somehow enhanced the trance.

I remember a few years ago i was able to hypnotize my brother by following directions from a hypnotize site. But this was the first time it was ever successful on me.

PostPosted: March 31st, 2006, 12:26 pm
by Hyp-know-fetish
Rapid-eye-movement, or REM, is normal for trance no matter WHAT you're on, including nothing. It happened to me for a while, too, but not anymore. says this is one way to tell that you/a subject is in trance.

PostPosted: March 31st, 2006, 6:18 pm
by nuit09
My eyes tried that knocking about in my head thing too. i told them to knock it off... :D