Re: Need help, serious
Posted: January 13th, 2019, 4:37 pm
Deprogramall, hypnotic reset, there are probably others. Good luck, but you may need more help than we can deliver.
JackDrago wrote:Nothing in my files is known to do that in anyone else. If you are in a bad place psycologically use the Deprogram of your choice - Selective Deprograming is my offering. (Others have had good luck with cosmic Deprogrammer) and seek professional assistance if that fails.
If hypnosis is releasing things you are uncomfortable with, it might be a good idea to get psychotherapy on the material brought up. These things had to be lurking in your subconscious mind before they were released. Professional face to face hypnotherapy can sometimes correct things that files can't.
If you know the name of the file I can consult the script and try to figure out what went wrong. I wouldn't want anything else to get harmed in the event that it is a defective suggestion
JackDrago wrote:Honestly, man, as someone who has a split personality, I can say that it tends to Resist correction through hypnotic means. It sounds to me like you had a low grade personality split that became a full fledged dissociative disorder as an abreaction to hypnosis. This is exactly how my alter Butch was born. (The file in question in my case was Manhood Blessing)
Re: writing your own suggestions. YES. I do it all the time and find my own voice easy to trance to. Sort out exactly what you want and make a list of positive statements for them like "the voices in my head have less and less influence over me" or "I find that my mind is slowly returning to the mental state that existed in 2015" be careful to avoid stating things in the negative as the subconscious mind is often unreliable about it.
Re: counteract dumbing... This is what my Smart Jock series is for.
Re: forget trauma. Yes, its possible to do this with hypnosis but this is why you have trouble in the first place. You need to process the trauma and come to terms with it in order to heal the personality split causing the voices. This will require a good support system. If you can't afford therapy, quit drugs and work the steps in Narcotics Anonymous. The 4th and 5th steps worked honestly with a sponsor will help you come to terms with it. Alternatively, get a good therapist.
Reprogram sexuality: we have a ton of files on Warp My Mind for this. My series is called Shattered Heterosexuality. Again, this would likely be better resolved with a therapist.
Stop self-judgement. I have a file for that, it's called Shameless.
Re: script review. I am 100% willing to review and comment on scripts.
lard wrote:Hi,
I also had a similar problem about two years ago with one of Hypnosuperior files, and I felt like I wasn’t myself at all and I had persisting thoughts and fears about these thoughts. Sure it had to do with old tramas and bad perceptions and whatever else I don’t know, maybe these files weren’t for me, but I was really suffering. So I understand and I feel you. For a long time I’ve never heard anyone have problems with files and I thought that this is something that this site was lacking. After all,kinks and hypnosis has to do greatly with self and psychology.
Anyways, what seemed to give me relief for a short amount of time, was to write down in a paper all of these persisting thoughts every time I had them. You have to Believe that these are Only thoughts about yourself, Nothing more. The mind is a powerful tool but you are safe and all right. I believe you have to go to a therapist for one or two or three or four sessions just to be certain of what is your condition. Confide in him.
After sometime You will be OK.