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Mr. Daniels

PostPosted: January 6th, 2020, 5:16 am
by q-rius_thr0waway
Hello. While I am not personally into hypnosis (I have a friend who is, however), I have been doing a bit of research on the effects and potency of it. Said search for information eventually lead me to Mr. Daniels. I have studied the techniques used in his files some, and I am aware that his files are notoriously effective and not quite like anything most people have experienced, aside from Bambi Sleep. Yet it is difficult to find much information on him, and to my understanding, he is absent at this time.

So, what I would like to know about is your experience with Mr. Daniels, his files, or his followers, whether direct or indirect. I am curious of the effects he might have had on people as well as everyone here's opinions of him in the present day. Any and all input will be of help. Do you follow him await his return? Do you think he is a danger? Have you or someone you know had your life affected by his files? Please do tell me. I thank you all for your time.

Re: Mr. Daniels

PostPosted: March 25th, 2020, 3:02 pm
by ProfessorPig
the bambi sleep files are much more interesting IMO. they do the same sorts of things but without requiring the same time investments. the effects the files have on the community are also much more visible because of the discord. you are better off using the search feature on discord rather than bugging the bambis. any questions you have have been asked over and over again.

mr daniel made some fantastic hypnosis in his time, but that was back in 2012. flash is nearing abandonment, and it wont be long before his files dont even play anymore. there are many that have been broken for years since the youtube elements stopped working. the website itself was rather interesting. there were lots of hidden trances to be found. there were secrets in places no one would think to look. but all of that is gone now. perhaps the saddest part is that when you have files like Mr. Daniel's or the Bambi Sleep files that are loaded with suggestions to forget the contents of the files you will eventually forget them even if you want to remember. so many interesting secrets are just lost in time now.

Re: Mr. Daniels

PostPosted: March 31st, 2020, 10:50 pm
by little-bri
i am kinda hesitant to post, but i don't think i've made any great secret that i was someone who got pretty "caught up" by Mr Daniel.

my experiences started on Yahoo (Messenger, CHat, and their old "360") site. i got curious and thought things were just a joke when i "wandered'" into the chat. It was kinda fun and just seemed like people playing a game...... until i kinda found myself playing along..... and that was basically when i "fell down the rabbit hole" (as they say).

Mr. Daniel was a bit sadistic, He relished how He could get into my head and turn my resistance against me. i lost many many hours just staring at the flash animations (His "studies" as He called them).

As i reflect back on my experience.... i have mixed feelings. While i can't say that i did not enjoy everything that He did to/with me.... i find myself fondly recalling quite a bit of it. On some occasions, His triggers and such do wind up working on me. So it is kinda obvious that there are things that just didn't just go away completely when He disappeared many years ago now. i do kinda wish He would return.... but it is pretty obvious that He has most likely departed this world for good. :-(

Re: Mr. Daniels

PostPosted: April 11th, 2020, 3:11 pm
by Jackstock
I have never seen any of this content, but no matter where you go, the testimonials are incredible.
Mr. Daniels is the stuff of legend.

Re: Mr. Daniels

PostPosted: November 27th, 2020, 7:13 am
by maximiliaan_75
I wonder if there are still people out there that use Mr. Daniels' files after all these years? I am a very visual person and hypno with visuals work much better with me than just audio like Bambi. However badly it might have aged, I like Mr. Daniels files.
Does anyone know of a modern-day equivalent?

To answer the poster's question, I started watching Mr. Daniel's files last year. I still feel my normal self but it definately think of the files all the time and feel compelled to always return to watch more. Also before I was an occasional cross dresser but that turned into a raging addiction.

On a related note, a reliable source told me there were actually three people behind Mr. Daniel's site.

Re: Mr. Daniels

PostPosted: January 1st, 2021, 1:34 pm
by Isabaellchen
Yes i do, allthough i only listen to the mr daniel to go series (audiofiles). He changed me, forever, and opened my mind in ways i would not have thought possible. He branded the word bimbo onto my brain. Sometimes i stumble over a thought and fall deeply, when the others are not looking. No one else knows or understands. He still is my master and i miss him very much.

How did you manage to get the studies to work again?

Re: Mr. Daniels

PostPosted: March 6th, 2021, 2:51 pm
by janesg
I was a member of the castle and used to watch Mr Daniels fles everyday, sometmes hours were lost. The casle had many little rabbit holes and mind traps as well as all the files. Some seemed more vanila than others and some were more out there. I have not found anyone who does it like Mr Daniels did the sort of expect the unexpected really. Occassionally I have accessed some of the old files, but without the intensity of the castle they are not quite the same as stand alone files. Mr Daniels always answered any emails I sent, and was quite supportive of me.
I have not found anyone quite the same, although Master Everything has some similar content, and one or two of his videos are pretty good, but somehow I cant get lost in them the way I did with Mr Daniels.

Re: Mr. Daniels

PostPosted: October 2nd, 2021, 12:39 pm
by bajwe8ifda
Anyone have a link to download Mr Daniels files? The torrent on TPB has no seeders.

Re: Mr. Daniels

PostPosted: February 26th, 2024, 3:01 pm
by wolfnchains
I am interested in a link too. Did he do any files for guys? You guys make him sound like the ultimate mind fucker.

Re: Mr. Daniels

PostPosted: February 26th, 2024, 3:11 pm
by keileon
There's a thread with info and links here: ... sis-Castle

There's a download link for an archive of his files and a way to actually watch them.