
A place to discuss the files and hypnosis in general

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Postby pengy » May 18th, 2006, 3:08 pm

i was talking to my friend today about hypnosis and he said that subliminal messages could screw up your mind, and you could get dangerious diseases like lycan...lycano..something that has lycan in it xD lol anyway he said that self hypnosis is very dangerous for your mind, and now im a little concerned about using the files, are there any truth behind getting diseases that make you crazy or something from hypnosis?
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Postby CuriousG » May 18th, 2006, 3:39 pm

If you're mentally healthy individual, don't worry about hypnosis, it won't harm your mental health. However, if you've already got problems, say schizophrenia for a rather extreme example, you should stay as far away as possible from hypnosis.
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Postby SubmissMe » May 18th, 2006, 3:42 pm

Errrrm, say for example I had a form of schizophrenia that I haven't told anyone about why would it be best to avoid hypnosis?

A quick answer on this one would be greatly welcomed.
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Postby CuriousG » May 18th, 2006, 3:55 pm

If you have schizophrenia and listen to hypnosis files, then the government's secret police will track you down and take you to their gulag on Mars.

In all seriousness, it's the nature of schizophrenia. Hypnosis does tend to produce certain (harmless) nervous tics. For instance, I found that listening to the nipple sensitivity file made me constantly adjust t-shirts in public so nobody would see the outlines of my nipples. With a schizophrenic, the mental confusion in regards to suggestions could cause a bit of a breach with reality (especially considering that many of the files here are about hallucinating certain sexual fantasies).
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Responding to several posts at once, bear with me

Postby Blink » May 18th, 2006, 4:12 pm

Oh, a sailor goes to many lands
And he does just like he pleases,
But he always remembers to wash his hands
So's he don't get no diseases.
-- Pee Wee Herman

I'm guessing that friend said "lycanthropy." That's a disease that you catch by being bitten by a werewolf. If you _want_ to catch that, there's probably somebody here who can help you out. My guess, though, is that your friend was yanking your chain.

Hypnosis has been successfully used with people with the full spectrum of schizophrenic disorders (from schizotypal to one of the schizophrenias to schizoaffective). The real issue here is that most hypnotists who're working this website don't have the credentialling that they'd need to be mucking about with someone with a serious Axis I disorder. If you're planning on a hypnosis session with a clinical professional, be sure you give a good med/psych history before you begin.

If you're just planning to play, you'll need to do a lot more "due dilligence." If you have ever met the DSM diagnostic criteria for Schizophrenia, even if you're in full remission, you should be pretty careful about what you do with your brain. We know that there is some permanent loss of functioning with every psychotic episode, so avoiding situations that could cause one is probably smart.

If you're using medication to manage symptoms, then you should talk with your MD (and if you can't talk about this with your MD, you need to find a new one). You might want to find a referral to a clinician who is affiliated with the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis or another professional hypnosis organization. Remember that a hypnosis certification is not the same as a medical or psychotherapeutic licensure. Be forewarned, I can't imagine any of the clinicians I know telling you to engage in this type of play.

The choices you make about what you do and what you don't do are ultimately up to you, but so is the responsibility for the outcome.

Have fun. Be safe.

-- Blink
Last edited by Blink on May 18th, 2006, 4:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby pengy » May 18th, 2006, 4:15 pm

well i dont have scitzofrenia or anything like that, but, i do have adhd and am taking medicine for it, would cause any problems?

xD lol being bitten by a warewolf
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Postby Blink » May 18th, 2006, 4:22 pm

pengy wrote:well i dont have scitzofrenia or anything like that, but, i do have adhd and am taking medicine for it, would cause any problems?

xD lol being bitten by a warewolf

Good question.

Hypnosis probably won't cause any problems with the ADHD, but the ADHD might (or might not) make it more difficult for you to go into trance.

Ritalin, Concerta, Adderall and the like are all amphetamine-like drugs. I'm guessing that if you hit the "sweet spot" between the drugs amping you up a little and the--ooh! Bunnies!--you'd probably have no problem at all.

There's really no way to know but to try. You might be better at it than I'd expect. I've never tried hypnosis with someone with ADHD.

Full disclaimers apply: I'm not a physician, even in pick-up bars. Your mileage may vary. Void where prohibited. Tresspassers will be violated.

-- Blink
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Postby Aravilar » May 19th, 2006, 2:14 pm

Your friend was probably referring to clinical lycanthropy, as opposed to the more mythical version.

People affected with clinical lycanthropy believe that they have transformed into some sort of animal, which is completely possible with hypnosis if you let it happen.

wikipedia article:

I wouldn't worry too much about accidentally catching any sort of mental disease from hypnosis since you are in full control of what files you listen to and even wether or not you accept the suggestions.

If you are still worried, but still want to use self-hypnosis, I would suggest you keep a diary or journal to keep track of your experiences and point out any changes in your self.
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