Advice on Getting Started

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Advice on Getting Started

Postby c4m_nova » July 8th, 2023, 6:58 am

Came across this community as I was researching ways to turn my wife back into the cock slut she used to be. She loved fucking, swallowing cum, and jerking off/sucking off one of our best friends when we all got together. Over the past year she’s pulled a total 180 and is not interested in any sort of physical contact and doesn’t think she’s attractive (news flash, she very much is!). Still in her mid 30’s so she’s in sexual prime territory.

From what I’ve gathered reading file comments and the forums this is going to take time and I should use a phased approach. Maybe starting with something to make her feel sexy and enjoy people looking at her. Then moving into something that starts to make her very horny. Next up would be adding intercourse and oral. Finally, getting her back to wanting to fool around with our friend.

Problem is I have no idea where to begin. I don’t understand the different file types or how to use them together (body, binural, etc). How long do I loop them, when do I go to the next phase? One thing I do know is that I need something I can play at night while she sleeps. Is a recent model iPhone or even Amazon Echo speaker good enough for the silent subliminal type messages or do I need to invest in a different speaker? Any ideas on which files may be good for me to start with? I’d rather use something in the “free” category at first until I see some change in the right direction then I’m happy to explore some
Premium or even paid options. Appreciate any help!
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Joined: July 8th, 2023, 6:40 am

Re: Advice on Getting Started

Postby EMG » July 8th, 2023, 8:54 am

I'll give the same advice I give everyone considering subliminally changing someone against their will. Don't do it. First, they aren't even proven to be effective so you may be wasting time. Second if she finds out it may be a cause for divorce(or at least some VERY bad times) and may be illegal depending on where you live.

If you still insist on doing it, a small cheap bluetooth speaker you can run from your phone should be just fine.

But take my advice, instead of trying this, try talking to her, figuring out why she stopped and nudging her back to where she was with positive feedback and good communications.
No matter where you go, there you are.
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