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Being woken up by an induction?

PostPosted: May 20th, 2006, 5:41 pm
by Patch_Winter
Like plenty of the people on this site, I find it somewhat hard to tell when and how I am/should be in trance.

What happens when I 'succeed': it sorta feels like I'm doing a backwards nosedive and things are getting blacker. (This doesn't happen when I try to fall asleep.)

After the countdown, I don't see, hear, or really feel anything until the suggestion phase, at which point I become aware again, and then get counted back up and am back to normal. (I believe Smokescale described a similar thing happening with him at some point.)

Anyway, onto my actual question: is it possible that I'm simply being woken up by the script as it's playing, or am I actually in trance, and just not (consciously) remembering the bulk of the experience?

PostPosted: May 20th, 2006, 6:52 pm
by vroom
Hmm... I'm usually woken up a bit during the suggestion phase as well (tho I'm fully conscience in the first place, I just get a bit more aware). I think it's because EMG usually uses the same file(s) for inductions, and then cuts and pastes the suggestions at the end of it. It makes it so that you're hearing a whole different tone of voice and background noise after the transition, and can jolt you a bit.

I don't know if it's supposed to do that or not, and can't give any suggestions to fix (or not fix) it since I'm new to the whole hypnotism thing.

PostPosted: May 21st, 2006, 12:23 am
by cardigan
For people who want to test whether they go into hypnosis or just go to sleep when listening to hypnotic files, try downloading and testing my file Cardigan - Itching Foot. You'll know you were hypnotized, if your foot starts itching afterwards. Then based on how you felt when you were being hypnotized, you will also know how this feels to you.
