script attempt

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script attempt

Postby smaller2 » June 1st, 2006, 10:53 am

I have listened to many of the free files, mostly by EMG, and gave an attempt at something that i would like to try and record.
I have had some success with the banish pain one.

This is my first attempt at writing a hypnosis script, but please give constructive feedback on what i did write, and how where i went wrong - what i should do instead. the [induction] and [awaken] are placeholders for when i get to that stage.


This file is to help you shrink in size, in direct porportion,
it will casue your whole body to shrink until you are as small as you want to be. So, pretty much all you have to do right now is listen to me for a little while, find yourself a nice comfortable place, and relax and listen to my voice.


You are going to picture the size that you want to be, a size that is smaller than you are now.
Think about how tall you are, and then imagine yourself shrinking to a new height, whether that height is
a few inches shorter than you presently are, a whole foot shorter, you can see yourself at two feet tall, one foot tall,
even just a tiny itty bitty little thing at only a few inches high.

Now, you are going to find that a change is taking place, right now, all over your body.
Every cell in your being, every part of you, is going to shrink, it will happen slowly,
but you are now becoming smaller.

You may start to feel your clothing become looser on you as you shrink, or it may feel like the place where you are sitting on or laying down is expanding under you, but you are starting to feel that you are shrinking,
smaller and smaller, until you are as small as you want to become, that is the way that it is, and that is the way that is is going to be, you will shrink little by little until you are at your desired height,

whether you want to be just an inch shorter than you were this morning, a foot shorter, three feet hight, two feet tall, one foot - even just a few inches high, you are shrinking to become so very small, you are becoming so tiny, to little, that everyone else is going to tower over you, your clothes are going to be too big for you, your shoes will become too large for your feet, the shleves will be higher up, and even when you stand up straight, you will confirm that you have indeed shrunk.

This shrinking is happening all over your body, every part of you, in perfect unison. All parts of your body are shrinking together,
you can feel it from the tips of your toes to the top of your head, a gentle tingle, and this tingle feels so very nice as you are becoming shorter
and thinner and smaller, you are becoming so very comfortable, and obeient, and relaxed, as you are shrinking,
tinier and tinier, you feel your clothes becoming looser, as your feet shrink ...
and your calves and thighs, all of your legs are shrinking, as you feel it tingle working its way up you,
you cannot escape it, and it is causing you to shrink smaller and tinier ...
the tingle works it way up to your hips, and your waist, and around your genitals, and it feels so very good as you shrink even more,
it tingles around your middle, up your chest, through your shoulders, as you relax and let the shrinking take over your entire body,
you can feel your arms shrink, down to your hands and fingers, up through your neck as you relax and let go of any fear you may have
of being so small and so helpless, you accept that you are becoming smaller all over, as the sensation washes over your head, and your face relaxes,
up into your scalp.

You now are going to shrink, you are feeling that tingle happen, and whatever height you wanted to become, you find that you cannot stop there, but you are going to keep on shrinking, that you want to become smaller, that you want to become a teensy tiny little thing,
and it feels so good to shrink. you are so obeient, so relaxed, and it feels so good, that you are shrinking down inside of your clothes now,
until you are just a tiny little being, no more than three inches high. I could hold you in my hand right now, you are so very very tiny,
you body feeling alive with pleasure, you are free from the worries of the world, for you are far too small to do anything about them,
you enjoy being so very teeny tiny, the pleasure is so very very real, you can feel yourself shrinking, becoming smaller and tinier.

(this is as far as i got)

Posts: 71
Joined: February 18th, 2006, 1:00 am

Postby vroom » June 2nd, 2006, 9:31 pm

Sounds good so far... Heck, I'd listen to it :)
Posts: 3
Joined: May 20th, 2006, 12:00 am

Postby smaller2 » June 9th, 2006, 2:18 pm

i recorded it, and used an induction and wakeup form EMG here. i am providing this file for free, and for fun. here is the link

so, does it work for you, at least in the sensation that i try to get across?
how is my voice for hypnosis?
Posts: 71
Joined: February 18th, 2006, 1:00 am

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