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Time distortion/"The Zone" triggered by hypnosis?

PostPosted: June 21st, 2006, 11:46 pm
by JHoffman
Please read the site details or what i've said in this topic to know what i'm going on about.

Well, here I was browsing the internet today, looking for pretty whacky stuff as usual, then I came to a stop at this site..

Basically, it mentions something called "The Zone".

Better taken from the site itself, "Any martial artist who has trained long enough can relate to the "ZONE". Your vision is open and full. You seem to notice every little movement instantly, and it seems as if your oppent is in slow motion. You feel centered and grounded, totally calm, yet very energetic. Your reflexes are awesome. There seems to be no internal dialog, or self talk. This is what the Japanese call ZEN. Being in the moment."

I myself am learning martial arts (Just starting), and apparently this pertains to it so it's performed the right way:

"To perform martial arts correctly, one must enter into a specific state of mind/body that is totally centered. The Zone.

This centered Zone State has several aspects that closely parallel hypnotic trance. These include deep relaxation, lack of startle reflex (nothing gets to you), unfocused gaze with wide peripheral vision that seems super sharp, parasympathetic response (you stay calm, when you would normally get physically revved up) and time distortion (everyone else seems in slow motion, while your moving quickly), deep rhythmic breathing from the diaphragm, and you seem to be able to sense energy about you (KI). All of these distinct physical changes, along with a deep inner awareness, are both common to martial arts training and a hypnotic state."

This is where it really amazed me - Time distortion. You know, like the Matrix movies. I didn't think this could be possible.

Then I realized this in a way is related to hypnosis, both involve relaxation, right?

Then again, i'm not sure if it is trancing or not:

"It is in this altered state of consciousness that Martial arts masters can do many of the feats that amaze the outside world."

Trancing and whatever it's refering to are both an altered state of consciousness, yet trancing puts you into an altered state of consciousness where it is hard to move, your mind takes in certain messages subliminally, and you're under control of the singular voice that is talking to you (Not to mention drifting out of reality for the time-being),
and this form of consciousness that the site is going on about seems to be..half-trancing?

Well, enough of the explanation.

Would it be possible to make a file that could further accelerate and subliminally affect the mind to make use of all this knowledge and do what is told at a certain time, maybe a trigger where it puts someone into "The Zone" until a phrase breaks it?

Just a strange question. Think of the possibilities here.

PostPosted: June 22nd, 2006, 1:24 am
by whatthe75
This centered Zone State has several aspects that closely parallel hypnotic trance. These include deep relaxation, lack of startle reflex (nothing gets to you), unfocused gaze with wide peripheral vision that seems super sharp, parasympathetic response (you stay calm, when you would normally get physically revved up) and time distortion (everyone else seems in slow motion, while your moving quickly), deep rhythmic breathing from the diaphragm, and you seem to be able to sense energy about you (KI). All of these distinct physical changes, along with a deep inner awareness, are both common to martial arts training and a hypnotic state."

This also sounds very familiar to the bodies actions when under the influence of adrenalin. (Maybe not the calm bit ) but the rest sounds just like it.Maybe the brain can produce the adrenaline in certain ways to allow these skills. [/quote]

PostPosted: June 22nd, 2006, 2:29 am
by Blink
There was some hubub a few years back about a similar effect, primarily in sports, but existing in pretty much all other contexts. The state was then called, "flow." I don't know if there's anything available on the web, but it might be worth Googling.

-- Blink

PostPosted: June 22nd, 2006, 3:50 pm
by Jack
There are two main types of trances. One is called "down time". In this state you're relaxed, not wanting to move, time sense goes out the window(could be fast or slow), you're conscious mind is disconnected from the outside world and turned inwards. The other is called "up time". In this state you are relaxed, your time sense is normal or fast(everything moves at a regular rate, or slowly), your conscious mind is completely in the moment.

We experience these altered states every day. When you start daydreaming you're experiencing a down time trance, and when you're driving you experience an up time trance(to some extent.. some of you day dream when you should PAY ATTENTION, and you know who you are).

Think about it. When you're driving 60mph, you're travelling almost 88ft/s(87.99983333 for anyone who's curious). If you're not distorting your time sense.. how do you keep from having accidents every time you drive?

PostPosted: June 30th, 2006, 1:17 pm
by JHoffman
I know this may be possible in a way, because just the other day I was looking at nothing in particular, but aware of everything else around me.

I was looking at my watch, and time seemed to go slower than usual. 1 minute seemed like 5 minutes.

Felt a bit dizzy too.

I'm going to have to try the exercises in the site resource for practicing going into Slow-motion/"The Zone".

Wish me luck on this.

PostPosted: July 5th, 2006, 2:16 am
by Rifkinn
I've gotten in the "zone" before when I have been sitting at my computer relaxed playing counterstrike or battlefield 2 with my friends. My gameplay is much better, enough that they think I am cheating, but I just seem to be able to hit anything I am aiming for. I get tunnelvision and nothing in the room distracts me, if my roommate comes in and asks me something I can answer and not even have a memory of the question. I can spend hours playing when I get this way with no sense of time. Something my roomate laughes about is that when I get like this and have my favorite drink next to me (mountain dew) I forget to drink it and it gets warm and flat on me...

PostPosted: July 8th, 2006, 4:08 pm
by Launch
Somthing similear to this is chronokenisis.
The way we persieve the passing of time is just as I said it a perception, and perceptions can be altered.
We could see the world going slow around us while we move at our ordinary speed which is very fast to those around us.
Or vice versa we could see the world going fast around us while we move at our own speed which is very sow to those around us.
We could have a day pass by in what we percieve to be a minute.
Or have a minute pass by in what we percieve to be a day.
All I know is that small bit of info on it nothing more, The Zone seems simelear tough.

PostPosted: July 13th, 2006, 12:20 am
by whatthe75
Richard Bandler seems to think it is very possible, he mentions how many sports stars he has helped along the way by doing exactly that and making them see everything in slow motion.