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Can Hypnosis...

PostPosted: August 12th, 2006, 7:20 pm
by andy546
Can hypnosis do the following?

1) Change eye color perminantely.
2) Grow taller.
3) Grow hair from wavy to straight.

PostPosted: August 12th, 2006, 11:51 pm
by Lissar
Just remember that you cannot change your genes. And eye color, height, and hair texture (to an extent) are determined by your particular genes. If you really want to change your eye color and hair texture, I'd recommend just getting colored contacts and a perm or reverse perm. For all those people are going to jump in and say, "No, hypnosis can change all these things!" I'm not picking a fight (that I'd win :wink: ). I'm saying that you would get the best results without hypnosis if your goal is to have different hair and eyes.

For height, well, that's determined by several genetic factors. And by several, I mean several.

PostPosted: August 13th, 2006, 12:58 pm
by Jack
Any zealot can "win a fight."

For the moment... I'm gonna be an ass, and answer the OPs questions as they were put forth..

1) Can hypnosis Change eye color perminantely?
2) Can hypnosis Grow taller?
3) Can hypnosis Grow hair from wavy to straight?
The answer to all three is: No. Hypnosis is not an entity in possession of physical attributes.

If I change the form of your questions to "Is it possible for me to use hypnosis to change a physical attribute that I currently have?" then my answer must be.. Yes, it is possible. However, it is also probably very unlikely to occur. If you want to make an effort in that direction, I suggest you go for it, and let us know when you succeed.

PostPosted: August 13th, 2006, 2:42 pm
by Launch
For all the sceptics who say physical changes are not possible trough hypnosis.
How can you account for all the physical changes that have occured due to it.
The journal entries are filled with storys of physical changes to the body.
If you believe they are halucinated, then one line of evidence I know of is in InsaneCPRClowns Journal.
In this journal entry he says how his friend was freaked out by how he looked after using the fille:

There are probly loads more refrences to real physical changes troughout the site, not to mention the world.
If despite this and other evidence you still believe it cannot then I give up (for now at least)

PostPosted: August 13th, 2006, 4:32 pm
by Launch
My flaw here is I'm a stuborn person, if I get into an argument with sombody and I'm sure I'm right then I don't quit easily, so I'm best to try and stay out of it. (If only huh :lol:)

Can Hypnosis...

PostPosted: August 14th, 2006, 5:29 pm
by andy546
Can you hypnotize yourself with a pendulum?

Re: Can Hypnosis...

PostPosted: August 14th, 2006, 5:46 pm
by Jack
andy546 wrote:Can you hypnotize yourself with a pendulum?

Sure. But, there are easier methods. I suggest you search the web for "self hypnosis".

PostPosted: August 15th, 2006, 10:15 am
by CuriousG
Pendulums are mostly for movies, honestly, and trying to use one on yourself would be counter-productive (say, you drop it or something).

PostPosted: August 15th, 2006, 3:05 pm
by Blink
For obtaining trance, there are easier and more elegant methods than the pendulum. But the pendulum is still an outstanding tool for ideomotor questioning, especially outside of a formal trance. It's cheap, effective and extremely easy to use.

It's also easy for some folks to bridge from ideomotor responding to trance, so I wouldn't discount it completely.

Of course, it's also easy to bridge from ideomotor questioning to dowsing, and therein lies another flame war waiting to happen. :twisted:

-- Blink