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Phobias and the people that love them (well, not really)

PostPosted: October 26th, 2006, 9:56 pm
by Shoat
Is there a way to completely destroy a person's phobias through hypnosis?

If so, I have a paralysing fear of spiders. 8O The patterns on them, way they seem to stalk when they walk, that totally unneccessary number of legs :roll: -- everything about them causes me to either flee or loose the ability to flee in total panic.

Could hypnosis at least lower the level of unbridled horror I have for these little monsters? :wink:

PostPosted: October 26th, 2006, 10:45 pm
by getpumped87
I hate spiders!!!

and yes you can

PostPosted: October 27th, 2006, 10:56 am
by Shoat
Oh wow...

Now that's something I'd pay money for...

PostPosted: October 27th, 2006, 11:00 am
by cardigan
Yes, hypnosis is actually very effective to use when curing phobias. Actually it's one of the main 'vanilla' uses of hypnosis. I think no. 1 is helping people to stop smoking (drinking, drug-abusing) and no. 2 could easily be curing phobias.

In fact I might be talked into producing a file to that effect.

PostPosted: October 28th, 2006, 3:06 am
by whatthe75
If you use hypnosis and combine the Dissasociation technique from NLP it is extremely effective.

I have cured my wifes phobia using just the NLP techniques.Under hypnosis will make the effects even more effective for the stronger phobias.

PostPosted: October 28th, 2006, 8:59 am
by boomsmee
Ive added an "Arachnophobia cure" file to the voting.

PostPosted: November 1st, 2006, 5:30 pm
by gornyhuy
cardigan wrote:Yes, hypnosis is actually very effective to use when curing phobias. Actually it's one of the main 'vanilla' uses of hypnosis. I think no. 1 is helping people to stop smoking (drinking, drug-abusing) and no. 2 could easily be curing phobias.

In fact I might be talked into producing a file to that effect.

My wife has asked me to make one about fear of snakes...
Would love to see that.

PostPosted: November 3rd, 2006, 4:55 pm
by whatthe75
Surely though a fear of snakes would be quite a sensible phobia to have.

PostPosted: November 3rd, 2006, 5:47 pm
by willingsub
It depends. Not if you freak out every time you see a wildlife documentary or trip over a garden hose.

Phobias are often in the core sensible fears. It's sensible not to get too close to a wild dog. It's probably very sensible to have a healthy respect for big hairy poisonous spiders if you live in the rainforest. Even a touch of agoraphobia is healthy if walking across an open plain is likely to atract the attention of large predators. It is only when those fears get irrationally out of control in our modern, much safer environment that these primal fears become a problem.

The difference between a phobia and a healthy respect for snakes (or anything else) is the impact on your life: is the impact positive (actually making you less likely to be bitten by a dangerous snake) or negative (making you unable to go out and mow your own lawn)?

PostPosted: November 3rd, 2006, 10:04 pm
by gornyhuy
willingsub wrote:It depends. Not if you freak out every time you see a wildlife documentary or trip over a garden hose.

Phobias are often in the core sensible fears. It's sensible not to get too close to a wild dog. It's probably very sensible to have a healthy respect for big hairy poisonous spiders if you live in the rainforest. Even a touch of agoraphobia is healthy if walking across an open plain is likely to atract the attention of large predators. It is only when those fears get irrationally out of control in our modern, much safer environment that these primal fears become a problem.

The difference between a phobia and a healthy respect for snakes (or anything else) is the impact on your life: is the impact positive (actually making you less likely to be bitten by a dangerous snake) or negative (making you unable to go out and mow your own lawn)?

Well said - thats just the problem. She starts to get irrational fears that our suburban lawn is crawling with snakes and she gets to imagining intense physical sensations of wriggling crawling beasties... Not a healthy thing.

PostPosted: November 3rd, 2006, 10:39 pm
by boomsmee
its a good thng im not afaid of snakes. Had to ride in a car for 5 hours once with 4 snakes in the car. Quite a fun trip actually.