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Embedding Files

PostPosted: October 27th, 2006, 10:22 am
by Rardon
My wife is wanting to lose weight, but having problems. She is also embarassed about it, and I'm trying to support her and don't want to make her even more self-conscious.

My question is this:

Is is possible to embed a file (the weight loss file) into a music file so that she doesn't realize that it is there. Then it can help her without the embarassment of my trying to play it for her.

I have the "Subliminal Recording System" program to embed these files, but was wondering if they would still work.

PostPosted: October 27th, 2006, 2:29 pm
by willingsub
I mixed some files barely audible (if I really strain I might notice a very distant murmer) with music, and for me it works like a charm. I use only the body of a file, no need to include an induction if I won't go into trance anyway.

Personally I use PerfectBikiniBody, FeminineAppetite and IncreasedMetabolism, but you may want to take a more gentle approach with your wife. PerfectBikiniBody and FeminineAppetite both have the tendency to promote obsession ("you will do whatever it takes to get your perfect bikini body, you won't settle for anything else, nothing else will do"). This is the way I want it (it gives me the extra push to stick with the program), but it sounds like your wife is having a hard enough time as it is. Promoting obsession with weightloss might serve to get her more frustrated instead of less.

WeightLoss and TrainExercise are not as extreme, and IncreasedMetabolism simply suggests what the name says: that your metabolism will increase. I'm sure I won't have to tell you to stay away from the DegradeWeightloss file. Just make sure that whatever file you use, you listen to the file (only the body) to make sure you want to use each and every one of the suggestions on you wife. Do this while keeping in mind if your wife would want a particular suggestion to take hold. When in doubt, either edit out the unwanted suggestion or don't use the file at all.

I think it's wonderful you are so willing to support your wife. I hope you can help her this way. Like I said, it works for me, but your mileage may vary.

PostPosted: October 28th, 2006, 3:09 am
by whatthe75
Maybe another option that might help.What about using Subliminal Blaster on your computer.Does she use the computer a lot?

PostPosted: October 28th, 2006, 4:18 am
by Slipstream
Thanks for writing, willingsub; I had no idea subliminals could be so effective. Do you use the actual 'body' file or the 'subliminal' file when you make them, and do you know any freeware programs for creating subliminal audio? Also, what kind of audio were the messages imbedded in?

PostPosted: October 28th, 2006, 10:47 am
by willingsub
I use the 'body' files to mix my tracks, not the 'subliminal' files. The subliminal files on this site can be used 'out of the box', they usually have new age kind of music/sounds with the file playing in the background, often quite audible, but so jumbled the words aren't consciously understood. This can work for someone who wants to accept certain suggestions, but doesn't want to go into trance, but they can not be used on someone without their being aware. If you like those files, by all means use them, they can be listened to while you go about your business. I personally don't like them, the new age kind of sounds just annoy me.

The tracks I make for myself use a slightly different technique. The subliminals on this site usually distract the conscious mind by being a indescipherable jumble of sounds. The conscious mind doesn't understand what is being said (and so cannot resist the suggestions), but the unconscious mind is supposed to hear and accept what is said. I distract the conscious mind too, but instead of doing that by jumbling the track at a very audible level, I do it by letting the file (not or barely jumbled) play at a barely audible level in the background of music I like. My conscious mind pays attention to the music, while my unconsious mind still hears the suggestions. I basically have two sets of music: some popular (with vocals) music I can listen to while exercising, doing chores around the house, riding a bus etc. And some Chopin I listen to when working (my work is text-related, vocals wouls distract me).

If you want to be completely unaware of a subliminal file, go for 'big' music, with a lot of instruments and vocals. A barely audible track may be easily consciously heard next to only a piano, while the same track, even when played at a slightly higher volume may be completely missed by the conscious mind next to a band with orchestra backings and vocals. Key rule is: the greater the number of different impressions your conscious mind is processing (drums, bass, keys, lyrics, violins, you name it), The easier it is for a modest added impression (a file at low volume) to slip past the conscious mind unnoticed. The fact that this makes it possible to play the file at a slightly higher volume without being noticed is important: While the goal is to not hear the file on a conscious level, you do need to hear it. If your ears don't pick it up, they can't send your (uncinscious) mind any information.

About the software: I use Audacity, it's free and allows me to mix and edit tracks. The program Rardon mentioned is probably better for just the purpose of creating subliminal files, but I like the freedom Audacity offers to edit tracks, not only to create subliminals, but also to cut out unwanted parts of files, or paste sections from other files for a stronger effect etc. I don't know if a specialised program for subliminals offers that. And I like tinkering with the files anyway.

PostPosted: November 6th, 2006, 12:42 pm
by Rardon
One thing I was considering is using goldwave to move the left and right channel out of sequence by a fraction of a second, as well as producing an echo effect.

Any ideas on whether or not this will increase the effects or not? I have heard differing reports on this.

PostPosted: November 4th, 2007, 6:05 am
by Ademisk
Actually I was interested in this as well. Listening to hypno-files takes too much time, I'm extremely hyper, so simply lying on my bed for 20 minutes while listening to somebody try to hypnotize me is annoying, especially when I don't feel like it's working. If I could embed it into music I usually listen to anyway, that'd help a great deal. Could anyone give me a program/method that would allow me to embed hypnosis files into music?