Is Spectral Encounter working for anyone else?

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Is Spectral Encounter working for anyone else?

Postby TMaskedReader » October 28th, 2006, 10:37 pm

Listened to this a few times over the past couple days, and not sure what to make of it. I start feeling a different sort of numb/tingling as the trance starts, do have to say it's a slightly more pleasant than the usual feeling I've come to associate with trance, however I notice that the slightest movement at all makes it go away. I tend to get little itches when I try to relax, and I've followed the advice on other files about allowing myself permission to scratch an itch if it comes up, however, it seems to totally blow the effect with this file.
Also, I know this kind of defeats the point of a subliminal file, however, I don't really ever get a sense of what I'm supposed to be doing/feeling, and think it might work better as a binaural or straight audio.
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