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New Hypnotists

PostPosted: February 26th, 2007, 5:41 pm
by MsgtKane
Hi, I've been a lurker for a long time now. I've recently learned that I'm able to put people under hypnosis ether online or on the phone. Currently I don't feel comfortable enough with any recording I've done to submit any. I want to keep trying to fine tune this ability of mine. Feel free to message me on Yahoo at hypnokane. It might say I'm off-line but there is a chance i am there anyway.

Re: New Hypnotists

PostPosted: February 27th, 2007, 8:15 am
by MN_FriendlyGuy
A generous offer, MsgtKane! The best of luck to you as you develop your skill.

As a non-clinical hypnotist, you're probably developing a preference for working with a type of subject and/or for an area of focus.

If you find yourself overwhelmed - too many subjects asking for your assistance - be sure to return to this forum and make an update. In the update, let readers know what type of subject you prefer and/or what types of changes you enjoy helping them make.

    Personal Example:
    I prefer working with men. I especially enjoy helping men who are self-motivated about weightlifting & bodybuilding (shameless plug for my "MusclePig" MP3). Exceptions? Absolutely! But for areas-of-change like feminization or incontenence, other hypnotists are better than I ever will be.
Again, the best of luck to you!