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Sleep Deprivation

PostPosted: March 8th, 2007, 5:38 pm
by Majestic
I remeber hearing in several places that it makes people really submissive after so long.. And just recently I read that after so long people start showing the same syptoms of a skitzophrenic including hallucinations. So cause Im off next week and have no plans other than playing some world of warcraft... Should I try and deprive myself of sleep to become more summissive to some of the files or am I just full of crap?

PostPosted: March 9th, 2007, 7:46 am
by Blink
I don't know about submissive tendencies and sleep deprivation, but the researchers have reported that after about three days, give or take, people do start to hallucinate.

It would be quicker to start with a bottle of tequila or easier to manage with hypnosis, but if neither of those choices appeals to you and you don't have a pre-existing conditoin....

Be sure you've got someone who can take care of you if things do get interesting. Reality doesn't go away when you stop noticing it (not for the rest of us, anyway).

-- Blink
Not enough coffee or alcohol to get into the philosophical isues.

PostPosted: March 9th, 2007, 12:08 pm
by Mino
After one or two weeks without sleep you usually end up dieing so be careful not to die. You'll probably fall to sleep after 4 days max but good luck and if you can, try to document your experiences.

PostPosted: March 9th, 2007, 12:58 pm
by MN_FriendlyGuy
Mino wrote:After one or two weeks without sleep you usually end up dieing so be careful not to die. You'll probably fall to sleep after 4 days max but good luck and if you can, try to document your experiences.

Just before you die, please stop documenting the experience and call for emergency help (911 in the USA)

PostPosted: May 29th, 2007, 4:59 pm
What's the record? 11 days?

Apart from that Japanese guy who hadn't slept in 30 years.

PostPosted: May 29th, 2007, 9:31 pm
by Draygone
I heard the same thing once from a show hypnotist. I'm beginning to wonder if it's true, because for the past few weeks, I've been completely unable to sleep in, and I'm thinking it may be because of my daily hypno listenings. Though it's usually just the one file when I wake up in the morning.

PostPosted: June 2nd, 2007, 3:41 am
by VeryGnawty
Sleep deprivation will undoubtly change your brainwave patterns to induce a more dreamlike state. However, the costs far outweigh the benefits. It would be much easier, albeit more time-consuming, to learn the same skill through meditation and trance.