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PostPosted: June 26th, 2007, 1:50 pm
by something
in audacity can you add subliminal messages and if you can how do you do it

PostPosted: June 26th, 2007, 3:36 pm
by PotHeadChick
I love Audacity!

I don;t know how to actually MAKE the subliminal part (sorry, this is all rather new to me) but if you had it as a file, just on its own, couldn't you just open it inside of whatever song you wanted to lay it under and add it as a separate track (Project > New Audio Track) and it would add a layer BENEATH the main track and then you could paste the subliminal message into the bottom layer, reduce or tweak the volume or effects and then you just save the whole thing as a Project and then convert to MP3.

I use this layering technique a lot when I want to layer remixes and stuff when I'm goofing around.

Hope this helps!

PostPosted: June 27th, 2007, 10:14 pm
by Diapered_Cherub
I also use the multple audio track technique. I've found that if you use the same file on two different audio tracks and reduce and slightly offset the second track,, that it sorta makes an echo effect (although I know audicity already has an echo feature built in but this one sounds different than what the echo feature can produce)