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information on going into trance

PostPosted: June 29th, 2007, 10:21 pm
by trancemedeep11
Ok, I'm sort of new at this, but not unfamiliar. I've been listening to a couple files, and was curious how to get started and how I should feel. Here's a couple questions I have:

1) Some people have said you need to focus on the file to get results, others say you can let your mind wander, because that's how you "black out" while trancing.

2) Do you need to black out to know the file is going to have a significant effect?

3) What's the best way to achieve the deepest trance I can? Just listen to one of the induction files over and over and over?


PostPosted: June 30th, 2007, 3:03 am
by mindmaster3434
As you so aptly pointed out, different people say different things. This might even lead one to believe that this is because different things work for different people!

The only way to know what's going to work for you is to experiment. Hypnosis is largely based on your perception of things, if you think something is going to work it stands a much better chance of working than if you don't, thus the different answers.

Re: information on going into trance

PostPosted: June 30th, 2007, 6:31 am
by liljonny
trancemedeep11 wrote:Ok, I'm sort of new at this, but not unfamiliar. I've been listening to a couple files, and was curious how to get started and how I should feel. Here's a couple questions I have:

3) What's the best way to achieve the deepest trance I can? Just listen to one of the induction files over and over and over?


Also try different inductions and see witch one works best for you. Some people may go under better for a male voice and some with a female voice.
The wording of the induction makes a difference too.

PostPosted: July 1st, 2007, 8:56 am
by trancemedeep11
Ok so itchy foot did not work for me, should I just play suggestible in the background on my comp for a while?

PostPosted: July 3rd, 2007, 3:05 pm
by arekusu
I think that might work. However, are you sure you went into trance? I think the most important thing to do to go into a trance is to clear your mind! Its important that you don't try to go into trance, just allow yourself to. Don't watch for signs of a deep trance! thats the easiest way to screw it up!

Some great inductions I recommend:

Basic Induction By Blink (This one is GREAT!)

Cardigan's Deep Trance ( Everyone seems to like this one)

Cardigan's Confusion Focus (This one makes me black out)

Also try using a deepener! Deepener2 is great, its by EMG. I also like the Island Deepener, its a recording of a great script in virtual hypnotist.

One other interesting thing that might help you go into trance is hypnotrainer [url][/url] it will train you to go into trance faster, and it will also hypnotize you. Its by the guy that made virtual hypnotist.

If you need anymore help, just contact me.

PostPosted: July 4th, 2007, 8:54 am
by Draygone
I think the most important thing to do to go into a trance is to clear your mind!

If you're capable of it. If your mind likes to wonder as much as mine, you need a plan B.

Dunno what that plan is, though, sorry.

@ the other guy: If I may ask, what exactly is a deepener? Are they files meant to be played on their own, or are they supposed to be played as part of the induction? And if they take me furthur out, how am I supposed to be able to use files that require me to visualize stuff in the body?

PostPosted: July 4th, 2007, 10:15 am
by arekusu
Deepeners help you go into a deeper trance/focus more. They pretty much just extend the induction, and they aren't necessary! No, they usually don't interfere with your ability to focus on a part of your body, unless you go too deep, but the nice thing about deepener2 here is that it doesn't allow you to go deeper than necessary!

However, you can go too deep! I have to be careful about that, because when I hypnotize people, I always assume they are as hard to trance as myself,so I spend awhile deepening them. When I make them do things like talk, they are too lazy to do anything on their own, so I awaken them up a little bit. If you feel you go too deep, just tell yourself to go up a little bit. Don't tell yourself your coming out of trance, because then you might actually do that! Say things like I am becoming more aware, ect.

I hope that made sense! I didn't sleep last night.

PostPosted: July 5th, 2007, 4:21 pm
by Draygone
Um, if I'm out, how am I gonna tell myself to get less out? :P

PostPosted: July 6th, 2007, 11:21 am
by arekusu
I usually make a playlist when listening to files here... don't you? What I do is download the bodies of the files, without the induction, then put an induction I like in front of the file, and then a deepener after that, then finally, the suggestions!! Sorry if that wasn't obvious!


Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh you meant going too deep? Well, I toldja, I didn't get enough sleep last night, and now when I read over that part, I'm like WTF? I guess your lucky if you have to worry about going to deep! But if you really have to, you can tell yourself that you won't go too deep before you go into trance, and you won't.

PostPosted: July 6th, 2007, 1:24 pm
by Draygone
Well for all I know, I'm probably just falling asleep. Maybe not, though. I always wake up moments after the file ends. Just, not during the wake-up portion.

PostPosted: July 7th, 2007, 7:21 am
by Kharon
Such an occurrence is not uncommon even in face to face hypnosis -- subjects sometimes resist the suggestions to return to their normal, more tense, state so quickly, and so remain in a trance state, contrary to the hypnotist's suggestions, for some period of time afterwards. So don't feel bad if you aren't waking up immediately from the wakening -- your body and mind may simply be enjoying the relaxation of trance.