Completed my very first script!
Posted: November 16th, 2007, 4:21 pm
Yippie! I finally created my very first full length script! It may not be perfect, but I did what I could! Its a trig catgirl script for guys who want to feel what its like to be a particular catgirl that they like. I put a lot of time and effort into it so I hope it is somewhat useful to people here on the site. Also, I give written permission in the file so that if anyone wants to edit or create new versions of the file they can. I've never seen that happen before, but I think it would be really interesting to see what others do for a trig catgirl file.
I'm still trying to figure out how to word a trig catgirl file for girls. Overall, I think the girl version of the file would be more effective since they are already female and know what it feels like to be one, which cuts down a lot on how long the script is and lets me focus more on the cat features, including personality changes during the transformation.
Anyway... yippie! Hopefully the first of many! (that are of better quality than this one, lol) :D
I'm still trying to figure out how to word a trig catgirl file for girls. Overall, I think the girl version of the file would be more effective since they are already female and know what it feels like to be one, which cuts down a lot on how long the script is and lets me focus more on the cat features, including personality changes during the transformation.
Anyway... yippie! Hopefully the first of many! (that are of better quality than this one, lol) :D