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voice synthesis issue

PostPosted: April 11th, 2008, 9:46 pm
by allison_in_love
I hope this is an acceptable place to pose this question; no other forum seemed more appropriate. that said:

does anyone have any thoughts or suggestions for software or
other methods for improving the quality of recordings made
with voice synthesis? I should add that I mean *beyond* just
buying better voices. Thus, is there software that can help
make a synth voice sound more natural and human? Could there
be software designed for the voice, meaning the natural human
voice, that could be adapted to manipulate a synth voice? I presume
that there exist software for, say, singers (or actors) who want to
tweak their voice...but I haven't seen such.

note: perahps everyone else knows this, but the sound card in
your computer apparently doesn't affect the quality of the recording
(only the playback on your individual machine) so investing in a good
audio card isn't a solution (sadly).

any suggestions appreciated.

PostPosted: April 11th, 2008, 10:13 pm
by Wildsprite
I dunno if it will help you but I found one called MorphVOX

its fairly cheap and people say I sound pretty natural with it so maybe try it

the free trial is ok but it probably wont live up to expectations like the full version for you