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PostPosted: June 24th, 2008, 7:40 pm
by ranmafan
is past life recollection possible via hypnosis?

Re: question

PostPosted: June 24th, 2008, 9:16 pm
by Blink
ranmafan wrote:is past life recollection possible via hypnosis?
Not only is past life regression possible via hypnosis (to the extent that it's possible at all), it's something of a cottage industry.


One of my favorite bits of info regarding PLR was a statement by a psychologist who does hundreds of such regressions for therapeutic purposes. When asked if he believed in past lives, he responded to the effect that he believed his job was to help his clients resolve their psychological issues regardless of where they might originate.

Though I haven't looked for it lately, I was once able to find, online, a detailed guide to technique for doing an advanced PLR. All the standard warnings for screwing around with memory apply.

I wouldn't want one regressing me back to breakfast, much less the Napoleonic Wars, if one didn't know one's way 'round a forensic interview. Regressions are big ju-ju as hypnosis goes and should be treated with some respect. Alter a few details in someone's history and you can face an unfortunate snowball effect.

-- Blink
I've got your flux capacitor right here.

PostPosted: June 24th, 2008, 9:58 pm
by MagicIsMe
Yes, past life regression and recollection is possible with hypnosis. That being said, one has to be careful with it. Imagine seeing yourself die; it's been known to cause an abreaction as has other issues.

Done with the proper hypnotist and probably only in person so they can see how you react, it can be quite safe and has cleared many issues one faces in their current lifetime. I would add, however, that just knowing one's past lifetimes isn't always enough to clear the issues. I've been trained to take a client to higher self to forgive or work through the process.


PostPosted: June 25th, 2008, 8:56 am
by 0turner0
I would also add that it's very very easy when doing a regression session to unwittingly taint these "memories" with imagery created by the subconscious. Great care should be taken to avoid accidentally implanting memories in such a suggestive state.

PostPosted: June 25th, 2008, 9:19 am
by CycoMelody
There are alot of what ifs added to this. What if in the past life you were a homeless person, an aborted baby, or a mass murderer? How would this play into your present life? Would you be able to just let it go knowing you were once Jack the Ripper? I'm just saying that somethings are better left unknown.