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Files into songs

PostPosted: July 2nd, 2008, 5:37 pm
by wh1t1e
is it insert a file into a song or something subliminally where you are listening to the song and it sounds normal, but you also get the effects of the file. this is for myself as i spend alot of time in the car. :)

PostPosted: July 2nd, 2008, 6:21 pm
by PS360
Subliminal i think.

PostPosted: July 3rd, 2008, 8:32 am
by FloridaPuppy
You shouldn't do this sort of stuff while driving anything more dangerous than a wiimote or RC car.

PostPosted: July 3rd, 2008, 10:07 am
by wh1t1e
so it would be best to NOT while driving? what i was just thinking of is subliminally taking the stuff in, as opposed to listening to the file, i wouldnt do the trance part i would just listen to the body

PostPosted: July 3rd, 2008, 11:08 pm
by Renae
While it is easy enough to merge two files into one with say audacity or wave pad; I think the safety issue would come into play if suddenly a song triggered a trance while driving. (Highway hypnosis taking a literal twist.)

While it is possible to trance out while listening to or playing music, usual its done in a safe venue. :) (So many marching band songs I played on auto pilot :) )

I like the idea in theory, its the safety issue that makes questionable. Though if you are worried about trying to maximize your files I think there is a refresher file that EMG made to help with that.


PostPosted: July 3rd, 2008, 11:16 pm
by PS360
Renae wrote:While it is easy enough to merge two files into one with say audacity or wave pad; I think the safety issue would come into play if suddenly a song triggered a trance while driving. (Highway hypnosis taking a literal twist.)

why would they want to trance themselfs while driving.

Thats like Closing your eyes during a Slideshow.

PostPosted: July 5th, 2008, 12:37 am
by CycoMelody
I am NOT advocating listening to any type of file while driving!!!
That said, it is not so far fetched to think this couldn't help with subliminals as when we drive we often slip into a light trance anyway (sometimes deeper then we would like!) But its just too risky. How would you even begin to explain that to a policeman. "Sorry I flipped the car and caused a 6 car pile up and shut down half of the 695 belt way. I fell into a very nice trance!" I don't think he would buy it. Keep the files for when you can't kill anyone from trancing. :wink:

PostPosted: July 5th, 2008, 1:43 am
by loony28
If you just put the body of the file without the induction then you shouldn't be a danger to anyone while driving.

PostPosted: July 5th, 2008, 7:42 am
by Blink
I don't think any responsible person would advocate a purposeful trance induction while driving (or operating heavy machinery for that matter). Long drives, especially long commutes where the route is very well known, are a recognized source of "naturally occurring" trance states, though.

Sarnoga, for one, has used the long drive as a metaphor in his trance inductions.

Though I'd avoid any files geared toward creating hallucinations, it would certainly be worthwhile to try putting the body on repeat for the long drive home. The purpose of trance, aside from all the fancy process junk we hang on it, is to establish more direct communication with the subconscious. IMHO, how we do that is immaterial.

Good luck and be sure to post results.

Oh, and your subconscious already knows how to prompt your conscious mind to "full alert" when an emergency crops up. And though you haven't noticed it, you're already reacting by the time you notice the emergency. You understand, possibly more deeply now than ever, that you have to be alive and healthy to enjoy the effects of trance.

-- Blink

PostPosted: July 10th, 2008, 10:35 am
by wh1t1e
interesting....well next thing is I want to figure out how to make the file that i want to listen to, make it where its subliminal and where i dont really "hear" it

PostPosted: July 10th, 2008, 7:03 pm
by Blink
wh1t1e wrote:make it where its subliminal and where i dont really "hear" it
Search the forums. There are plenty of others who've wanted to do what you're talking about and there are some detailed instructions posted here.

If the instructions aren't doing it for you or if you have trouble finding them, just say so. This is a very helpful bunch.

-- Blink