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PostPosted: August 9th, 2008, 6:14 pm
by schutz420
I've never done any hypnosis at all before and was just wondering what file would be a good introduction?

PostPosted: August 11th, 2008, 1:04 pm
by schutz420
Mkay thanks, I tried some inductions including the bubble induction file and then I tried some actual files but I'm not completely sure I went into a trance ever so I'll describe kind of what generally happened. With an induction file or a regular file I would get real relaxed and not want to move and then either I would kinda like fall asleep would be the best way to describe it or other times I would remain awake but stay relaxed, my concious mind was still active on the times I stayed awake though so I'm not sure if it was a trance or not....I felt some effects from the Cardigan-Horny file but it went away soon after the file was over. Also I was wondering if it would be good to have headphones on playing the files while I sleep at night for the ones that are meant to cause physical changes?

PostPosted: August 11th, 2008, 3:18 pm
by cardigan
It sounds like you are on the right track. The wish to not move is typical of trance, and you might have a feeling that you zone out from time to time. But you need to practice some to get more results.

But you can be confident that you are making progress and on the right track. Now your mind just needs to learn how to go into trance all by itself. With practice it will come to know exactly what is expected of it and comply.

schutz420 wrote:Mkay thanks, I tried some inductions including the bubble induction file and then I tried some actual files but I'm not completely sure I went into a trance ever so I'll describe kind of what generally happened. With an induction file or a regular file I would get real relaxed and not want to move and then either I would kinda like fall asleep would be the best way to describe it or other times I would remain awake but stay relaxed, my concious mind was still active on the times I stayed awake though so I'm not sure if it was a trance or not....I felt some effects from the Cardigan-Horny file but it went away soon after the file was over. Also I was wondering if it would be good to have headphones on playing the files while I sleep at night for the ones that are meant to cause physical changes?