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need hypnosis file to stop migraines

PostPosted: July 3rd, 2005, 9:49 pm
by triggerme
Hello, I tend to get horrible head aches and migraines that never like to go away :/ I had the bright idea of listening to a hypnosis file to see if it would relax me enough to get my migraine away and it went mostly away but starting coming back after the files was done. The file wasn't designed to get rid of migraines however and i was wondering if anyone knew where to get a free file to get rid of migraines or one that they could send to me that i could listen to whenever i get a migraine. thanks in advance to anyone who can help.

PostPosted: July 4th, 2005, 4:52 pm
by beanne
I see some non sexual files here, but perhaps you would have more luck with a non sexual hypno site. As you know all of these files are audio, but I hope you don't look at any animated spirals or whatnot to accompany these. I think they can also trigger migranes if you are prone to such things. Maybe you can write a script and record it or have someone do it for you. Good luck.

PostPosted: July 4th, 2005, 8:46 pm
by aj
Also, I don't think that using hypnosis to stop pain is a good idea. Pain is trying to tell you something, even migraines.

PostPosted: July 4th, 2005, 9:30 pm
by Fleshmaster
I would be inclined to agree with the posts above, if it were myself, I would do something like this: consult with a doctor about the migraines, as long as he sees nothing critical or worthy of study, and perscribes some sort of medication, try that first. Ensure it works, then once I had a fall back, I'd experiment in hypnosis. I know for many sorts of migraines we don't have a good medical fix, and living with someone who has migraines and was just shoved pills I can sympathize with what I assume are your intentions. Best of luck in your research, whatever path you choose.

PostPosted: July 4th, 2005, 11:01 pm
by triggerme
Yes migraines seem to run in my doctor knows and theres nothing wrong with them or anything, i've had them ever since i can remember and nothing ever works, i am wanting to use hypnosis as a way to relax myself, laying down on my bed and listening to the audio with my headphones, in order to relax my head and body to help it go away, i find it really hard to actually relieve the pressure once getting one and hypnosis just seems like a really good idea to use.

PostPosted: July 7th, 2005, 11:52 am
by sandy82
Hi, I agree with what Fleshmaster and aj are saying very politely...although, if I'm incorrect there, I don't want to be putting words into their mouths.

I hope what I say will shock you. If not, I will have failed in my purpose.

If migraines do in fact run in your family (parents and siblings, especially), then the chances are higher that it's a migraine and not something else.

If you are under, say, 30 and are having terrible headaches, the chances are higher that it's *not* a migraine.

If you are not seeing a neurologist or a neurosurgeon, then you're not seeing a doctor who is solidly equipped to offer you a trustworthy diagnosis.

If you are relatively young and if migraines only "seem to run" in your family, my layman's opinion is that you need to check your insurance coverage and then insist on either a CT-scan or an MRI.

I had a cousin, aged 28, who had migraines. Or so they thought. By the time he went to see a specialist, the brain tumor was inoperable. He has left a widow and two wonderful small children, aged 1 and 3.

And a final note that some may consider cynical. The diplomas of some doctors ruined a good piece of parchment as soon as the ink was applied.

triggerme wrote:Yes migraines seem to run in my doctor knows and theres nothing wrong with them or anything, i've had them ever since i can remember and nothing ever works, i am wanting to use hypnosis as a way to relax myself, laying down on my bed and listening to the audio with my headphones, in order to relax my head and body to help it go away, i find it really hard to actually relieve the pressure once getting one and hypnosis just seems like a really good idea to use.

PostPosted: July 9th, 2005, 5:15 pm
by triggerme
well i have not actually gone to a specialist, i am under 30 now and have had them forever... i don't have a single memory of my life where i didn't suffer from occiasonl migraine... a few of my uncles have had tons of tests done to them and have found nothing wrong... my mom suffers from migraines way worse than i do... i've had a few scans done before awhile back when i was 12 because of me falling off the second story and i was throwing up and stuff and they couldn't find anything wrong... i seriously doubt it is some type of brain tumor but maybe u are right... maybe i should go see a specialist to see if they find anything...